Button Placement

Started by Greaves504, August 03, 2010, 06:36:58 AM

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How do you hold the end of the string

Button between index and middle finger
5 (38.5%)
Button between middle and ring finger
8 (61.5%)
Wrap or slip knot around index finger
0 (0%)
Wrap or slip knot around middle finger
0 (0%)
None of the above
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 13


Are you supposed to place the button between your pointer and middle finger, or your middle and ring finger?
Also, any tips on keeping the string flushed against the back of your hand? When I throw a lot of the time the string comes loose with the button behind my hand and when I try to grab the end in mid air, the button ends up swinging around my hand and wrapping around the knot end of the string. sorry if this is a little confusing or anything. thanks in advance


Between middle and ring.  I don' hold it against my palm, I hold it with my fingertips.  We all hold it a little different I am sure, but the button has to be "below" the wind.


are you able to put it between your pointer and middle? or is that not recommended?


Maybe I'm the odd guy out, but I've always put the button between my pointer and middle finger.  If the button has some weight to it, I will sometimes have the problem of it slipping, but not as bad as you describe.  Usually though, it will stay in place. 

I have tried the button between my middle and ring, but since I'm not used to it doesn't feel right.  Reading Neffs comment about the button being below the wind though, I'll have to go back and re-examine my grip.


then that means there's at least two odd guys on this forum  ;D. who knows. maybe the gaps at the webbing of my fingers is just a little bigger than most people and that's what causes the slippage.


Here is how I hold mine, not sayin' it's right, just presenting for reference.

Your hand must be perpendicular to the string when you let go,
and the top should be perpendicular to the string, as in this staged photograph here:


For what it is worth, I place the button between my index and middle fingers.  So Neff is in the minority, right now  :P  I am adding a poll to see what are the percentages.

In some cases, like for a behind the back boomerang, I may wrap the string one time around the index finger to make sure it doesn't get away.

You must have very skinny fingers!  :P


haha yeah. i kinda do actually. think i've found a way to counteract it a little somewhat. If I turn my hand horizontally, as if slicing at air, and just supplement the original movements of my hand as if it were vertical, it keeps my string from slipping out due to the inertia from the initial draw back. cool idea about the poll  ;D   i wonder which is the majority. Maybe we can even make a definition about it for future reference. Sorta like if whichever method wins the majority we can call it orthodox, and the other unorthodox, like how they classify boxing styles.


i do middle and ring w/ button. i don't know why, it just feels right.


Oh, yeah. Thanks for the pics Neff. Also, I was just on MrYo's facebook and he has the holds in his photos with description. He called the one with string between middle and ring finger Classic. Seems to be a good name. Not sure what the other way should be called. Modern?


I call it Goofy Finger.  :P
Jus' kidding ;D ;D ;D
Cliff Coleman YO-YOs on his index finger... cracks me up.

the Earl of Whirl

I'm a midlring button man.  Always have been and not always will be.  I have had to adjust with bigger tops and their ropes.  Who knows what other things are headed my finger's way in the future.  I will try to adjust, but change gets more and more challenging as the years go by.

Speaking of fingers, here is something I just read yesterday.  If a leper gives you a finger, do you have to give it back?

Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


I feel like a lonner :D, I use my pinky and ring finger, I know its not normal, as i been told alot, but it feels really comfortable to me, and I hold the trompo with my finger tips, not the palm of my hand, I feel like I have more control of it that way