Extreme Spintop play

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Site last updated:

2017 - 03 - 07


{tao} [Mandarin = way] /the basic, eternal principle of the universe that transcends reality/

{the absolute zero} /temperature at which all movement ends (0ºK = -273.15 ºC)/

{top asleep: Ommm . . . }/zero apparent movement, maximum chi (spin energy)/

{ta0} [t-a-zero \ pronounced: tao] /this site's Zen Master/


Welcome to the Tao of Top Spinning!


¡Bienvenidos amigos del trompo!

Willkommene freunde des kreisels!

Benvenuti amici de la trottola!



Bienvenus amis de la toupie!


Bem-vindos amigos do pião!

This site is dedicated to the spinning top, in all its forms, with special interest in trick (acrobatic or juggler) top spinning. As I wrote on the first entry, on October 20th, 2004:

The Yang of this site is the art of trick top spinning as an extreme sport. Its Yin is the contemplation of a motionless sleeping top, defying gravity with its inner energy. Between the two, there will be space for anything related to spinning tops, including history, science, games, collecting and curiosities.

For current information and to discuss tops with other enthusiasts, please go to the forum on this site (access from the menu or go directly using www.iTopSpin.com. This forum, where I post every day, has mostly superseded the need for the blog (the Top Spin section) but I plan to continue working on the other sections of the site.


See the Links page for other interesting spintop related sites.

tops from ta0

The old blogs go into the Top Spin page.

You can send your comments, suggestions, questions, stories and complaints to: