The names

Started by MrYo, July 22, 2010, 05:49:00 AM

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Ok I'm working hard to assemble tops, make boxes ecc, but now here The Names:

Regular white             Giulia              my daughter's name

Limited Black              Side N effecT   i must thank you Chris, you helped me a lot (the tip comes from your design  :-* ) but most thing, you a are a real friend!

Limited Prototype        Titti              :P   my whife's surname... ok I'm still married  ;) :D :-*

Limited ....                 Enzo             ::)  surprise

more as the dye works  ;D


nice! mark me down for a side and effect black  ;D


Anything named Enzo has got to be good!


I agree, a top named Enzo sounds great.

But Titti might be the rare collector item . . .  Seriously, I am very happy that things have worked out.


It makes me think, now I want more then one :)
Enzo-surprise its a great idea, I defenetly want one
And a side n effect black one would be really nice


Quote from: ta0 on July 22, 2010, 02:45:37 PM
. . .  Seriously, I am very happy that things have worked out.

Thank you  ;)



what kind of dye are u using? never know that delrin is "dyeable" xD


Erratic Wobbler