Worlds 2009 Spintop Workshops?

Started by agentsac, August 06, 2009, 07:16:12 PM

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I haven't seen a finalized schedule for this year and I'm not sure when to expect one (since this will be my first time going to worlds), but will there be spintop workshops this year like the previous year? I could use one.  ;)


I imagine there will be at least a beginner workshop and a advanced throwdown and probably a workshop on top turning on a lathe. I hope they put there also the regeneration workshop we have given the last two years, but I didn't send Greg a proposal this time. Do you know anything, Alan? I know a few more regens (Mexican style) than the ones I knew two years ago.

the Earl of Whirl

I'm ready to get some insight into more regeneration.  I am stagnating in that area.
Name the time and the place and I will be there, Jorge!
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


I don't have any more information on the workshops. I am available to help anyone who wants to learn or improve their regeneration skills.

Dick Stohr

Practice hard and play safe.


To everything turn, turn, turn..................


Thanks for the link Eric. It looks like 3PM on Thursday will be the best time for some serious spin top play. I will be sure to be there.

the Earl of Whirl

Thanks for the info to digest while traveling to Orlando.  Like always, it seems like one crazy adventure after another trying to get out to town to head to worlds.  I had planned on leaving at noon but I first had a funeral.  Then after the graveside service I am riding in the hearse back to the church and we suddenly found ourselves behind a portapotty truck hauling six of those beauties.  When the funeral director tried to pass, the portapotty driver cut her off!  This happened a couple of times.  She was getting ticked and he must have been enjoying the whole scene because to top it all off, toilet paper
was coming out in 8-10 foot segments out of one of the portapotties.  It felt like I was in a scene from Saturday Night Live.

I am finally ready to leave.  My hope is to get to Orlando by Wednesday afternoon.......if I don't get behind any portapotty trucks!
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


May you have a portapotty free trip to Orlando.
My son Alex and I will be arriving on Thursday morning.
Looking forward to some great times throwing tops with everyone.


Oops! Have a safe trip, Mike!

I look forward to meeting another Gray top spinner!  :)

I guess the program confirms Matt will be there: yeah!

Having the advanced breakout just before Lucky's BBQ means we can stay as long as we want in that room. That is great! We could do the corkscrew challenge there, but probably Saturday after the ladder would be better to get everybody (except we will all be very hungry!)


Alex was with me last year. He does spins tops a little. He finally landed a boomerang. Maybe he will spin more tops this year.

Dick Stohr

It would seem that I have been signed up to do the Beginner Top Workshop again.  (I just found out earlier today)  It is at 1PM Thursday and it would be good, like last year, to have several top players to give one-on-one help when I have them start throwing with the string.

Mike have a safe, uneventful trip.

Eric or Alan I want to see the steps to make a wood top.  I have a piece of a tree from my brother that has very good looking grain and is very hard.

Looking forward to seeing all of you there.
Practice hard and play safe.


i'm not sure how advanced the advanced workshop is but i will definitely make it to one of the workshops and maybe i'll get to see Eric or Alan turn some wood. i have a friend who does beautiful work on a lathe and he would like some pointers for turning tops.

i hope you all have a safe trip and i'll see you here. (yep, i'm here early!)


Sounds like things are comming together
Erratic Wobbler