hehe, help please?

Started by Greaves504, July 03, 2010, 08:41:21 PM

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hey guys, I know it's been a while. Firstly is because I've been a little busy getting ready for boot camp, secondly because I haven't made any significant top progress worth mentioning. I can throw a top to the ground and make it spin, but I can't seem to manage a boomerang. As much as I pull back at the string (i've tried at various points after the top leaves my hand) it always feels as if it's all slack, and like there's no friction to the pullback enough to cause any good form of lift. I just don't understand what's wrong.
I'm using a colors top to practice that I got from ta0 by the way. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.


Boomerang can be frustrating. At first try to place the top onto the hand doing "the big scoop" or " the rocket" and star to practice with merry go round, crazy 8'th or bracebridge. Mix a floor throw with a boomeran trying. In a boomerang I move the arm from the "liberty statue" position to the "torero pass", but when I pull back, I open the angle with the throwing hand more high to elevate the top.
  Greetings: Jorge Sanjuan.



It sounds like you might not have the string wrapped tight enough
When you wrap your spin top, make sure that the string is tight from the moment you start wrapping till the end, if you are using a ring at the top, make sure you pull it tight before you start wrapping, dont overlap the string, I have learned that it is very important to do that, in order to keep control of your spin top when you throwing it
have fun


I've been going through that same thing. My problem was that unlike every sport in the world that involves throwing or swinging anything, you do not want to follow through when you throw a top. If your hand gets "ahead" of the top, then you get slack in the string like you described. Normally you would stop your arm as soon as you let go of the top.On a lighter top like a Sidewinder or a Colors like yours, there is not really any delay after the throw. It's like one fluid motion, throw down-pull up. Like making a circle with your arm, forward/down - up/back. Thinking of it that way is whats working for me at the moment anyway. Good luck!

Have Fun,


my guess is, like Java described, you are having slack string issues. if you
weren't then the top would respond to you pulling back, even if you pulled back too early or too late.
one of the problems i had early on was with the string going slack unexpectedly. i'm not sure exactly what i did to resolve it beyond chasing tops for quite a few days, but you will develop a better feel for the string tension as you keep practicing. if you can throw a top to the ground and have it spin, you can throw a boomerang!
what kind of boot camp are you going too??? throwing a boomerang might soon be the least of your concerns if it is like any bootcamp i am familiar with.
good luck with your boomerang and your boot camp!


thanks guys for the tips and I'll be leaving in early September to San Diego for Marine Corps boot camp. haha yeah I'm pretty sure a good boomerang will be the least of my problems, but for some reason I know if I can't throw one by then it'll just nag at me. You guys are probably right about tightness of the string. and now that I think about it, my hand does follow through even after release. oh, and I don't know what's a good floor to practice with cuz the only thing I have is my tile in my house (which I don't want to crack) and a really rough carport, so I've been practicing on the grass, which is why I'm trying to go straight to boomerang instead of the scoop. hehe it'll spin on the grass...for about 3 seconds before rolling away


I'm afraid if I try to help you It won't be long and not look professional like everyone elses, But I do what java said about the circle, you have to pull very fast in some Cases like my mini trompo ta0 sent me.
Every jam we play, we break two needles
There's three of us but we're not the Beatles
My name is Beau, you can call him B
You can call me Beau Matt Compt, or you can call him BMC
People always ask, "BMC, what does it mean?"
Well I just told you.


If you have to practice outside, you can use a cardboard box on top of the grass, works just like the floor

the Earl of Whirl

You can also use frisbees and then you have the fun of aiming at a target.  There are some pretty big frisbees out there and there are also some pretty small ones if you are looking for a bigger challenge.  I still have several of my old frisbees that I put hundreds of dents in from good throws.

If you are interested in going even bigger, you might consider a plastic snow sled.  I can't tell you how inviting they are for other spinners.  You can invite a friend and be battling with your tops in no time.

Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!

jim in paris

well ! well! well:!

more tips

don't hold the top full hand
use only 4 fingers
do the swing with your arm but stop it dead at one point
when you pull back try to mimmick the "me sir" in a class room
extent your arm high instead of on the side

this should work

and in "boot camp" you have the magic letters T O P ;--))

have fun

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"