New Spintop cartoon

Started by silvertop, May 26, 2010, 09:31:54 PM

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Maybe we all need to find Joe's Top Repair - could solve a lot of problems??
Don Olney
1237 E. Main St.
Rochester, NY 14609

the Earl of Whirl

now THAT is a good cartoon!!!

thanks for sharing it, silvertop.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


I have an Eiffel Tower gyroscope I would gladly send there for repair . . .
Does he fix Yoyojam tips?

Great find!


Looking deeper at that Top, I think that the problem is that the guy let the spring jump away...


The top in the drawing, looks like a heart.


Here's one from a while ago that I always liked.

<a href="" title="Hosted by">top in a bar</a>

the Earl of Whirl

This has always been a great one, in my book.  But, for some odd reason, it doesn't play very well around the church when I mention topless bars.  I quickly remind people, though, that I do NOT go to topless bars. 

My wife is always happy to hear me say "I am not interested in anything at a topless bar."  Afterall, I am loco como trompo!
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!

the Earl of Whirl

This was in Sunday's paper.

Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


Sorry for being the one for whom you have to spell out the joke, maybe that I am German can serve as an excuse.......

I have one way that I understand it, my wife another one. How should it really be understood?

me: The top is so fascinating to watch that no one watches the nightly news any longer.
my wife: It is always just spinning, so there are no news to tell.

How should it really be understood?

In the broader world of tops, nothing's everything!  —  Jeremy McCreary


Quote from: ortwin on May 11, 2022, 11:18:59 AM
me: The top is so fascinating to watch that no one watches the nightly news any longer.
my wife: It is always just spinning, so there are no news to tell.
I think both interpretations are valid, but a political take:
"The top is spinning all the time, we don't need to continue spinning (the news)"

Or if this was from the time of the movie Inception:
"The news are not important, we are a simulation . . ."

We may need a poll . . .


Ha! That could be the start of another joke:
"An Uruguayan tries to explain an English joke to a German....."

In the broader world of tops, nothing's everything!  —  Jeremy McCreary


The news media is often accused of "putting a spin" on the news, which is to say that they impart a bias to their reporting to favor a particular viewpoint....


Quote from: mailman on May 11, 2022, 03:27:18 PM
The news media is often accused of "putting a spin" on the news, which is to say that they impart a bias to their reporting to favor a particular viewpoint....
Thank you mailman for clarifying this! So its a term that could stem from baseball? If you put spin to a ball that you throw, it does not go in a straight line the direction you threw it, but it curves in some direction depending on the spin you added.
Along those lines?

In the broader world of tops, nothing's everything!  —  Jeremy McCreary


Yes, that is possible, although I have never thought of it that way (I'm not a sports guy). 😉  I think of it more generally, as just spinning something to make it go in the desired direction.  I think your baseball analogy may be closer to the original intent....


Why it's important to balance a top to avoid wobble: