Beigoma recording

Started by Aaargh, April 23, 2024, 11:57:03 AM

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Hello everyone!

A long long time ago I made a post, saying I was interviewed because of the beigoma I make. At the time I asked the production if I could upload the footage and the answer was a resolute NO! We are however a year into the future and I uploaded the videos to YouTube, as a private link, this way I can show my friends and family. The link ONLY works with this link, it shouldn't show up in any searches and people won't stumble onto it by chance.

So friends! I give to you the recordings of my beigoma. Sadly in Japanese, with no subtitles, but even then it should be a enjoyable watch!

It gives a bit of a insight as to how I make the beigoma, ofcourse the video is meant for a broader audience so it doesn't go into depth.
If you give me the chance I can rave and talk about Beigoma for a long time ;D, there are so many things I could talk about.
Do you believe it that for these +/- 15 minute videos we had 3 days of shooting!

Recording 1: This was online only content. Only people in Japan are/were able to see this because of the company. Then again a VPN would probably circumvent that. Corona was winding down in the Netherlands but the crew (and most of Japan) still wore mouth covers. In hindsight it would have been better if I did as well?

Recording 2: From what I heard from my beigoma friends is that the online content was popular enough. So popular that the production decided to televise it on national TV. Footage is mostly the same, except some added content which the camera crew had to organise a second shooting day for.

All in all it's a experience I fondly look back to. The recordings are made for a program (I want to go to Japan!) which shows people from outside of Japan that have an interest in Japanese culture, food, sports etc.
In my case, really old spinning tops optimised, hardened and decorated. If chosen out of other contestants you even get to go to Japan and see the real thing for yourself.
I am not expecting to be chosen but I do really hope so! This way I could finally meet the beigoma friends I made overseas.


Wow! I watched the first recording and it's excellent!

You and Joanna look great and very welcoming.  I like the workbench you have to mod the beigomas.
The video did go into more details on beigomas than I expected.

I was surprised by battle in which your beigomas competed in Japan while you interacted live from the Netherlands. What a great idea! Did you finish second?

Do you (or your girlfriend) understand Japanese?

I hope you win the trip to Japan, you deserve it!