new whip top

Started by paulstewart, February 04, 2024, 08:46:28 AM

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Quote from: ortwin on March 17, 2024, 07:17:24 PM
Perhaps this video is an edit of several trials as the pull start suggest a counter-clockwise rotation as viewed from above while the whipping action suggests a clockwise intention for speed maintenance.

Ha!  ;D Good eye John! I didn't notice that the wrap is in the "wrong direction". But from the precession you can see that the spin while whipping is in the correct direction (and opposite to the start and the end of the video).


I drew a small arrow on the bottom to remind me which way to wind the top, Keith and I both whip right handed, so the top spins in the same direction we are whipping.  If the top appears to be spinning opposite to the direction we whip, that has to do with the camera frame rate playing with the surface design.  Next time we practice there will be a clear grippy surface on the top where we strike the whips.  Thanks for the whipping suggestions, this makes sense and we'll play around with different techniques. 


the counter clock wise and clock wise rotation illusion is just that, an illusion created by the painted pattern and the frame rate of the camera.  we are whipping the top in the same direction as the spin.  there is another new top in the shop, a smaller cousin to Octavia.  I've yet to make a formal introduction since both Octavia and Presto have similar secret surprises that need to be further tested to get right.


A minor failure with clear skateboard grip tape from amazon, it does not stick.  Next I'll try a silica designed to add grip to stair treads to provide surface grip for the whips.  Also making new whip ends, so hopefully spin times will improve.  I truly appreciate the support of people willing to buy my regular size spin tops to help fund the Big Top Experiments.  I know they are not high performance tops, but each is a handmade and colored, functional piece.  Without support, I can't keep on glueing up 139 pieces (Octavia) and spending a hundred plus hours making Big Tops.  Dorothy Dot is 152 pieces!  Big Tops 8 & 9 are complete and function, but they each have secret surprises that need to be worked out.  Meanwhile I'm planning Big Top #10 which should be something special.  I do want to continue these experiments and bring them to events but I need your help.  I'll be offering a small batch of fresh hand size tops and finger tops.  If my spin tops are not your cup of tea, but you still want to show your support, I've made 3" x 5" vinyl stickers for you to show your friends, neighbors and the world, that you like what goes on at the Round Top Top Shop.  I'll mail one to the lower 48 USA for a donation of $3 or more, contributing to the Big Tops is your vote that you want to see them.  If you've enjoyed seeing the Big Tops, playing with them, or hope to see them in the future, please consider helping out.  Over seas postage can get crazy, I'll get a quote from the post office and report back if there are inquiries.  I accept PayPal,   T-shirts may come next.  Thanks again for all the support and look forward to seeing ya'll soon.