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New player!

Started by Malve, July 06, 2023, 12:35:07 PM

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Hi everybody!
I'm Andrea (Malve for friends) and i'm from Italy.
I'm a good friend of Rocco (i bet many of you know him) who's even my teacher.
I discovered this forum few days ago at the "festival delle trottole" in Cigole (italy) thanks to Mermouy.
This forum is awesome and i have a lot to read and to learn!
And as we say here...lascia che giri! (Let it spin in english)



Ciao Malve! Benvenuto!

Rocco is the best!

Italy is becoming another center of top spinning in Europe. I look forward to attending future festivals there. The venue for the festival in Cigole looked fantastic!

Armando (elprofedeltrompo)


Welcome Malve!

I am a big fan of Rocco!
Met him at the last two installations of the Marines festival, he made a wooden top for me there last year.
Please show him how to participate more  in this forum, he seems to have technical  problems or something with it.
If you enter "Rocco" in the search field above you will find quite some posts where he is mentioned.
So what is your thing in top spinning? Making tops? Playing tops? Organizing top events? All of the above like Rocco?
Looking forward  to hear more from you, Ortwin

In the broader world of tops, nothing's everything!  —  Jeremy McCreary



I was with Rocco yesterday evening, next time i'll register him.
For now i'm only a player, i have many tops made by Rocco.
For the future i'm planning to buy a lathe.

Quote from: ortwin on July 06, 2023, 04:30:47 PM
Welcome Malve!

I am a big fan of Rocco!
Met him at the last two installations of the Marines festival, he made a wooden top for me there last year.
Please show him how to participate more  in this forum, he seems to have technical  problems or something with it.
If you enter "Rocco" in the search field above you will find quite some posts where he is mentioned.
So what is your thing in top spinning? Making tops? Playing tops? Organizing top events? All of the above like Rocco?
Looking forward  to hear more from you, Ortwin


Bienvenido saludos cordiales de guadalajara mexico cuper cuper

the Earl of Whirl

Hello Malve!!!  Welcome to the forum!!!
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!