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String Snags

Started by Kirk, May 22, 2023, 10:26:58 PM

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Wow I have been plagued with string snags lately.  Especially with my Quicksilver hybrids.  Even when throwing gently.  After trying other strings and trying to figure out why I can only get half of my boomerangs to work with these tops,  then I tried to figure out what changed in my throw.   Ha! I found it.  I have been playing after church a lot.  Little kids will gather around to have a top in their hand.  Of course they crowd in close.  So I have been changing my arm motion to avoid whacking them in the head with my hand.   This messes up my release.  After realizing this, I straightened my elbow and when back to a more full arm swing.  No snags since!!

Lesson to learn.  Throw the way you teach others to throw :-)


What exactly is meant by "string snags" ?? I read some topics before this one that dealt with "snags", but I was never really sure what it is.
What I think it could be (and that also happens occasionally to me) is that the string does not release the top cleanly. Sometimes the top even comes back winding up again like a yoyo almost. Is it that? What I do to meat this problem, is usually to concentrate on starting the pull back motion for the boomerang later. Does that make sense?

In the broader world of tops, nothing's everything!  —  Jeremy McCreary


Yes that is it exactly. 
Common contributing factors are:
low quality (stretchy) sting
letting go of the top too early in the throw
not winding the string tightly enough
slippery tops surfaces (delrin etc)
(and now I know) an uneven arm motion


Another cause of snags can be holding the top too low in you hand.  Where the string goes between you fingers to the button needs to be below the lowest wrap on string on the top.


I always get string snags if the string gets damp.  If my hands are too sweaty, or if the grass is wet, or if my beverage can is wet, even extremely high humidity....



Wrapping tightness, string diameter and dampness are all possible causes my friend 🍻