Britanny (France) International spintops festival

Started by Mathieu, May 18, 2023, 12:19:41 PM

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Hi all,
As a newcomer, let me introduce myself.

I am 63, living in Brittany (France) with my chinese wife and I discovered chinese spin tops, by chance, in 2014 when we were staying in Zhanjiang, south China. I immediatly caught the « virus » and I have been travelling across China to meet chinese spin tops players, discover equipents and learn different playing tricks.
4 years later when we came back in France, we brought back several tens kilos of chinese spin tops.
In 2019, we started our association Da-Tuoluo (which means playing spin top, in chinese) and we began to run workshop with children in recreation centers.

Last years, I began to learn wood turning with professionals and, now I use to turn my own chinese spin tops which become Britton Spin tops.


Welcome to the forum, Mathieu!

I know that you attended Loon Plage last year and Marines this year, so you are already familiar with our community. You know that you are one of us!

It's fantastic that you started a tuoluo association! But I did have problems accessing the blogs on the website (there seems to be a misconfiguration.)

I look forward to more information about the festival that you are organizing and the giant whip top project you mentioned to me.


Welcome to the forum! Chinese style tops were an obsession of mine for a while, believe it or not.
It's great that you have a lathe! Being able to turn your own tops opens up a whole world of possibilities.

I'm looking forward to hearing more about this giant whip top Ta0 mentioned!  8)


Bienvenu Mathieu!

Yes we met in Marines in February, I also had the chance to whip that big metal top you had there! There are some videos of that floating around either here on the forum or in the Marines WhatsApp group.
Please show us some pictures of those "Britton Spin tops" you make, I am not sure what type of tops you mean.

In the broader world of tops, nothing's everything!  —  Jeremy McCreary

jim in paris

welcome Mathieu

looking forward to seeing your tops in action :)


"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"

the Earl of Whirl

Yes, it is good to have you with us Mathieu!!!  You are doing some amazing work there.  I look forward to hearing more about your spinning adventures.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


This is the poster announcing the festival in Bourbriac, Brittany (northwest of France), September 27th to October 1st:

It seems several of the French and Spanish players will attend, so I'm sure it will be great!

Armando (elprofedeltrompo)

Un gusto conocerte allá en Marines Mathew.   este es uno de los videitos que pudimos lograr con tu trompo y el latigo.

jim in paris

hello again

thanx for posting the date and place
mind you Jorge: there is a typo    the dates are September 27th to Oct 1st
on a side note , I'm a little annoyed by the fact that the organisers have copied
our title " festival des toupies du monde" .
there are so many other ways to announce such an event !

next time you could use anagrams : "fast-evil des utopies du démon"

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


Hi all,
From 27th september to 1st october 2023, we organise the 1st Briitanny International Spintops festival, in Bourbriac, (10 km from Guingamp). The idea is not original, I know. It came after we attended Loon-plage festival in february 2022, and met Emmanuel and Ludo. It was the first event that gathered chinese spintops with othrer wordl's spintops.
For this first event in Britanny, we have invited some spintops specialists and players. I hope Rocco Costa will attend the festival, and Skye (Majorca) too.
Or course, the festival will feature Chinese spinning tops with our 4 kg steel whip spinning tops and our 8 kg wooden ones.
We will also have some professionnal local wood turners that use to turn wooden spintops, and have a special focus to Britanny's spintops. Indeed, since we have started to prepare this event, I discovered that there is a real spintops tradition in Britanny. Even, if now nobody play anymore these spintops, I met some all people who practiced when they were young.
But the main attraction will be the giant spinning top (Chinese style) we are building ; a 70 cm height and 60 cm diamter woodent spinning top that we will run for the first time during the festival.
You can read more informations about the event on our Facebook page :
Unfortunately, our project didn't recieve subsidies that we expected, so we have launched a crowdfunding campaign which end on 30th june :



There is going to be a 2nd festival! This is the poster:

the Earl of Whirl

Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!

jim in paris

Very good illustration I was wondering if the date 20 25 was a mistake or not
Bravo Mathieu for this next event

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"