ITSA general assembly 2022

Started by jim in paris, December 09, 2022, 10:51:59 PM

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jim in paris

Dear friends and fellow members

The 8 th ITSA's annual virtual assembly will take place from this Monday Dec 19th
until Monday December 26th. 

If you are a full ITSA member you will be able make proposals, vote and even run for office.

Stay tuned for more details

Good weekend

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


I haven't had time to go through the ITSA membership list and prepare the general assembly. I will try to start it Thursday 15th. As Jim said, stay tuned.


I'm sorry, but I haven't been able to finalize this. We might need to go over Christmas. Keep tuned.



hello  all   i have    difernts popouse     i am reaady


jim in paris

hi all ,dear friends , and amigos

there is a little delay due to the membership files(....)
will be fixed shortly
in the mean time, get ready  ;;;

once the forum thread for the general assembly 2022 is opened

1st day say YES to indicate your participation
this is important to reach a fair quorum number
2N d and following days

each country does a yearly presentation to describe their activities

renewal of the international board ,and new entries if needed

ITSA financial balance and yearly assessment

open questions


we have time , time has no speed ,

your inputs and future involvement are precious

jim / for the board of directors
"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


The General Assembly is taking place right now on a board only visible to current and past ITSA members. If you are one of them, log in to see the board.
There is now a vote taking place to elect and re-elect some of the directors. Please vote if you are a full member.


The 8th General Assembly is over. We had a good discussion about the future of worlds. We also expanded the Board of Directors from five to six, re-electing Taka and Pepe and electing Armando:

The new board now consists of:

Chairman: Marco Palma (Cuper, Mexico)
Vice-Chairman: Takahiko Hasegawa (Taka, Japan)
Treasurer: Jorge Alcoz (ta0, USA)
Secretary: Jim Boehm (France)
Director: Jose Angel Simon (Pepe, Spain)
Director: Armando Giraldo (El Profe del Trompo, Colombia)

To be able to read the archived proceedings, just sign in to the forum.