Peg top progress log of ortwin and random questions

Started by ortwin, March 03, 2022, 08:32:05 AM

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If the top is walking the string too fast, try releasing most of the tension half way and just use the string to guide the top towards the receiving hand. It's definitely easier than Shortcircuit!

Rocco was using the Mexican name ratón loco (crazy mouse) for the trick. This is one of many names that it was given in Mexico, Latin America and Spain, most of the others something like "el circuito de (name)" where "name" was the name of a local famous runner or car racer. I suggested short circuit in English, but perhaps crazy mouse would have been better.


Quote from: ta0 on June 07, 2022, 08:39:18 AM
Rocco was using the Mexican name ratón loco (crazy mouse) for the trick. This is one of many names that it was given in Mexico, Latin America and Spain, most of the others something like "el circuito de (name)" where "name" was the name of a local famous runner or car racer. I suggested short circuit in English, but perhaps crazy mouse would have been better.

I know peonzas energia and Chris Neff have also used the name "racetrack" for the trick. When I first learned the trick, I thought the name "short circuit" was referring to an electrical short circuit, and only later I understood the name was referring to a race circuit...  ::)   (And somewhat ironically I learned the trick with a short circuit spintop)


A little video with the best I can do so far with a bearing tip top. This is the blizzard that Jim sent.

In the broader world of tops, nothing's everything!  —  Jeremy McCreary


You are doing great! With a better top (S8) you would be more than ready to entertain children by putting the top on their finger, making them blow on the top to "make" it gyroflop, and doing tricks like pole dancer. I can get a line of children waiting for their turn by doing just that.

jim in paris

bravo Ortwin ! you master the blizzard spintastically ! Dale would be glad to see that!

Tchuss !


"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


Quote from: ta0 on June 09, 2022, 09:28:59 AM
....With a better top (S8) ....
You really think it is already time for a better top?
Is this also the thread to ask for recommendations for the next top?
S8 seems to be like the Mercedes, right? But I would not recommend a new Mercedes to a person who just got his drivers licence. How well can a S8 take the abuse from a beginner?
A Sweetle from Chriss Neff also look s attractive to me from what I read: larger size, option to change to fixed tip, option for left handed string...
Any opinions?

In the broader world of tops, nothing's everything!  —  Jeremy McCreary


Quote from: ortwin on June 13, 2022, 02:56:30 PM
Quote from: ta0 on June 09, 2022, 09:28:59 AM
....With a better top (S8) ....
You really think it is already time for a better top?
Is this also the thread to ask for recommendations for the next top?
S8 seems to be like the Mercedes, right? But I would not recommend a new Mercedes to a person who just got his drivers licence. How well can a S8 take the abuse from a beginner?
A Sweetle from Chriss Neff also look s attractive to me from what I read: larger size, option to change to fixed tip, option for left handed string...
Any opinions?

An s8 top wouldn't be bad for beginners, and for the most part it can take a beating (unless you're worried about dinging and scratching it up... ::) ) The best thing about them is they spin for much longer and feel much smoother than plastic molded tops.


Progress: I was just able for the     first time to perform a proper corkscrew !
The Saturno Roller from Tromos Space was the top used for this.
(Edit June 18th 2022: now also with the Spintastic Blizzard)
(Edit June 22nd 2022: now also with the YYF Short Circuit modified to a bearing top as described here.)
All the tricks on my list that I wanted to learn with a bearing tip top I did now at least once.
Still a lot to improve until I can say that I master them, especially on the corkscrew and mach5, but hey, that will come on the side while I am working on some fixed tip tricks  that I can't do at all as of today.

In the broader world of tops, nothing's everything!  —  Jeremy McCreary


Quote from: ortwin on June 16, 2022, 10:58:41 AM
Progress: I was just able for the first time to perform a proper corkscrew !

Congrats! The corkscrew is a great trick to be able to pull off, and it also looks impressive.


Corkscrew! Congratulations! That's a great showy trick!

the Earl of Whirl

Good job, Ortwin!  You are really making great progress in this whirled!!!
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


Quote from: the Earl of Whirl on June 16, 2022, 02:50:40 PM
....You are really making great progress ..!
Thank you very much everybody!
Yes, I am also happy enough with my progress, but there are also people that play in a completely different league.
Like Dylan who tells us in  the video below (at about 40 seconds) that he learned the corkscrew the day after he managed the boomerang. That makes his progress about 100 times faster then mine.

In the broader world of tops, nothing's everything!  —  Jeremy McCreary


Great Progress!!
May I suggest you add to your goal list the Upside Down Merry Go Round.  With the skills you have shown you should not have any problems learning it.   People love this trick and are fascinated when you do both regular and upside down in one throw.

The way you do cable car is interesting. I had to slow down the video to see what you did.  I learned the trick with the top going over the string (around the hand)  I don't think I have ever seen it done the other way.

Concerning regeneration, some may argue what is considered "real" regeneration.  I would say if you can extend the spin time for even a few seconds, then you should smile!  If you can accomplish 10 sewing machines or rollercoasters then you are on your way!


I agree, the upside-down merry go round would be a great trick to learn next. A different way to do the trick (that I think looks a bit cleaner and more impressive) is to bind the top in the string, the same way as in gyro flop or mach 5, then do sort of a gyro flop but stop when the top in upside down. Then swing it around like merry go round.


Thanks Kirk, thanks Texture for the suggestion. I added the trick to my list.
I also gave it a few tries in today's practice session. At least once the first two thirds of the trick kind of worked. It feels nice, I will continue to practice it.
Both the versions that you show in those videos have there virtues. The one that Kirk shows will definitely make one get a better understanding of how to influence the leaning angle of the top by whirling it around. 
Textures version with the half gyroscopic flop is getting faster to the point and looks even a bit cooler.
I consider to try getting out of the trick by adding the second half of the gyroscopic flop after the actual merry go round. Do you think it is feasible?

In the broader world of tops, nothing's everything!  —  Jeremy McCreary