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Shipwrecked Legos

Started by ta0, February 16, 2022, 12:30:11 PM

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I'm sure Jeremy knew about this shipwreck with 5 million LEGO's and how they have been washing ashore in the UK for the past 25 years:

Jeremy McCreary

Might have heard a little about this very interesting story, just not sure. Cool that so many of the washed up parts just happened to be nautically themed.

However, I am familiar with the large yellow rubber duckie spill into the North Pacific during a 1992 storm. The duckies were eventually found on coastlines around the world -- even in the Southern Hemisphere.

An enterprising oceanographer launched an internet-based citizen science campaign to track duckie sightings worldwide. As I recall, the data led to some unexpected discoveries regarding global ocean circulation patterns.
Art is how we decorate space, music is how we decorate time ... and with spinning tops, we decorate both.
—after Jean-Michel Basquiat, 1960-1988

Everything in the world is strange and marvelous to well-open eyes.
—Jose Ortega y Gasset, 1883-1955

Dick Stohr

Wait, does this have anything to do with the cargo ship that was charring yo-yos and sunk 45213684521596324 times?
Practice hard and play safe.
