Brazil campaign and Cuper

Started by ta0, May 28, 2017, 07:38:28 PM

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Cuper has being collaborating as a partner with Brazilian company Fenix for about 2 years. He has helped them establish a spintop promotional campaign based on what has worked in other countries. Brazil has a huge potential number of players. Hopefully, they will be very successful. Here is Cuper with the Fenix demonstrator team: we might see some of those players in Iceland  :)

Here is a photo from a school:

Campaigning in Brazil has its perks:  ;)

Hopefully they will need an international judge in the future  ;) >:D

the Earl of Whirl

Thinking of our spinning friends in Brazil.  I just read a scary article about the COVID-19 virus and how they are having record setting death tolls.  The article also said their health care system is on the verge of a collapse.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!