Ta-tack the new spin top that works without string

Started by Androx, December 01, 2020, 02:28:49 PM

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Hi Jim. Glad you mastered the ta-tack.
This youtuber surprised me because he makes it very easy to start and also uses a table or book.
It is clear that it is a skill toy for people who are constant and who like to improve themselves while playing.


Quote from: Jeremy McCreary on December 27, 2020, 06:23:33 PM
Quote from: Androx on December 27, 2020, 02:13:30 PM
Jeremy looks at the racket is a balloon.

At the moment, I'm looking at the racket as a fun way to keep pumping energy and direction into the top. Is that what you meant?
In previous messages we had talked about the best materials to make a racket and I think that the rubber is one of the best because it prevents the tip of the ta-tack from slipping. But don't pay too much attention to me that I need the translator and maybe we were talking about different things.  ;D

Jeremy McCreary

That guy makes a lot of hard things look easy. If we got him interested in throwing tops, no telling what tricks he might come up with.

Art is how we decorate space, music is how we decorate time ... and with spinning tops, we decorate both.
—after Jean-Michel Basquiat, 1960-1988

Everything in the world is strange and marvelous to well-open eyes.
—Jose Ortega y Gasset, 1883-1955


Good idea in hiring that youtuber. He did a great job demonstrating the toy.


I received a couple of Ta-Tack tops a few days ago and I have been playing it this weekend.
It requires more skill than I thought. Here is a simple video in which I crack the 100-bounce club:


The main difficulty is in keeping the spin axis vertical. I'm having more success correcting it intuitively than trying to plan the corrections.
The next goal is to work on tricks.
It seems to me that the main play value is in social play where the top is passed between two or more people, more than in solo play.

It never spins very fast, so you have to be careful not to hit the body or it will easily kill the spin.

Something undeniable is that it's one of the most original tops of the last 100 years!


Muy buen video espero tener uno para mi colección

Jeremy McCreary

Quote from: ta0 on January 17, 2021, 11:46:33 PM
I received a couple of Tac-Tack tops a few days ago and I have been playing it this weekend.
It requires more skill than I thought. Here is a simple video in which I crack the 100-bounce club...

Something undeniable is that it's one of the most original tops of the last 100 years!

Show off!

That last bit is quite a statement. And since the 100 years largely post-dates the golden era of mechanical top-making led by the Germans and Japanese, I'm inclined to agree. Go Spain!
Art is how we decorate space, music is how we decorate time ... and with spinning tops, we decorate both.
—after Jean-Michel Basquiat, 1960-1988

Everything in the world is strange and marvelous to well-open eyes.
—Jose Ortega y Gasset, 1883-1955


haha very well how do you master Tao.
That I have the trademark registered and you have changed the name is Ta-tack.
You have put the good takes. You must have dropped it a couple of times.
Jeremy I really like you.


Quote from: Androx on January 18, 2021, 02:50:19 PM
That I have the trademark registered and you have changed the name is Ta-tack.
Ha, ha!  Sorry about that! :-[ :-[ :-[
The video is unlisted. I'll correct it.
Now that I can keep it going I will try some tricks and see what I can do with it.

Edit: Done!


Ta0 do not make yourself repeal. We are waiting for some tricks.


Quote from: Androx on January 22, 2021, 09:49:41 AM
Ta0 do not make yourself repeal. We are waiting for some tricks.
Making a good video takes time.
Also on both tops the polyester string became untied on one side and I need to fix them.

I'll write to you this weekend about my thoughts about the toy.


Here you have a trick with the Ta-tack using a rope. I'm sure the most purists will like it.


