2020 World Spintop Online Contest

Started by jim in paris, October 20, 2020, 12:48:15 PM

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Gran trabajo Jorge,esperamos tu vĂ­deo


Sorry about your injury ta0, I look forward to seeing videos from you soon.

I have been watching the contest videos for hours now, the Review Panel has an impossible job to pick the top 10! So many great submissions.


Thanks for update list.
I tried to make Open/Traditional/all video list in Youtube,but most of video set as "for Kids" and "Limited access".I can't add to my list.
If there is certain reason,I do not ask,but we should show off this contest to all over the world,now we need to change status to "public" and "all age".
Then I can make whole list to see more and easy to have more access each other players in youtube.

Sorry to hear about hurt your arm,we are waiting your "demonstration in 2020".
Yoyo,Koma(Kyoku,Chonkake,traditional,all kind),Spintop player.
Taka from Tokyo


Thanks Taka. I'll send a mass email later in the week to all players asking them to change the status of the videos.
I'm also planning to copy the finalists videos and upload them to the ITSA youtube channel.

PS: I guess I owe a video. I'll try to record one when my shoulder gets better.


Not finished yet,here is the idea what I want to make as list

Open/Traditional mixed all competitor

Traditional Division

Open Division

Order is random.Should be sort as entry number later.
Yoyo,Koma(Kyoku,Chonkake,traditional,all kind),Spintop player.
Taka from Tokyo

jim in paris

hi all
i have just finished watching 27 vids and it's a hard job to select, sometimes heartbreaking

when everything is on line, you will discover a few bizarre things :) :)
Cuper playing a koma
Colombians with bearing tops
a young koma dude mimicking old chonkake players

and  overall  a  lot of fun

stay tuned

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"

the Earl of Whirl

Wow!  Lots of spinning action with all of this.  I am enjoying all the variety and even the background which includes outdoor scenes, living room shots and even a wall of kendamas. 
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


One amazing thing is that the range of ages in this contest spans 8 decades! From 7 year-old Kota Tachikawa to 80-year old Momotaro Sakashita! And both did great! And some of their tricks are the same, such as arm curls and trapeze  :)





Notice that Momotaro's routine was recorded live at a chonkakegoma meeting and perhaps in one take, but it's almost flawless. Also flawless is the (not easy) routine by the second youngest competitor, 9-year old Nobu (Taka's son):


I don't know if I'll be able to compete (or even play) at 80 like Momotaro, but I have the feeling I'll be still watching Nobu perform at that time  ;D


I've almost finished watching all of the videos, and boy am I impressed with the diversity of it all. How in the world are the judges going to be able to pick the top 10???
Overall, I think this was an amazing turnout.
I just wish I had entered in the open freestyle...

Quote from: ta0 on October 26, 2020, 09:07:22 PM
PS: I guess I owe a video. I'll try to record one when my shoulder gets better.
Sorry to hear about your shoulder, I look forward to seeing your video!


Ta0 off? This shouldn't happen, you're kind enough to give your chances to other players in fact  ;)

I've been lucky to not have any injury this last weekend, but two days after I almost broke my arm, luckily, the rain makes my arm rip and it's just some days to recover...
I have to say that the Nobu's performance gave me tears i the eyes as such great perf from a so nice guy I've been luckjy to meet, I hope you'll read that Taka, and please, give my Crazy congratulation to Nobu!!! He will be, for sure one of the greatest tops community member of all times!!!

Can't watch that all for now, but this event is by far the best Spintop contest ever!!! (I'm a bit afraid of the spintricks.org uploading job I'll have to do...  :o

I can recognize the "French Style" for sure, happy to be with Quentin on that event in such "artistic way", I should have send a "no-drop" video ideally of course, but I'm working so much at the moment that I had to even cancel one day of work just to record it.
I've been practicing and thinking a lot in late August but then life catch you and haven't been able to be "serious" until October.

Anyway I want to say that it's an awesome world contest I'm able to finallty participate (august is usually not a good period for me to travel or do anything)

Seeing the registrations and upload successes I would vote for a virtual annual contest, even to replace the yoyo partnership we had until here what about you guys?
It's a "Thanks to Covid 19" opportunity that we should consider...


Hi world
I'm Jun Shimamura,2nd place at 2018 WSTC Shanghai.

I'm glad to watch a lot of videos from various countries.This looks like a museum of spinning tops' tricks. :)
I thought video as not good for contest,but after I watch the video of Taka,I realize how interesting video contest is.The last trick of his video make good use of a camera.

I cannot wait 10 finalists to be selected,where and when can I see the results?

Sorry to hear your hurt your arm,I'm looking forward to showing your awesome tricks.


Quote from: Mermouy on October 27, 2020, 04:20:22 PM
Seeing the registrations and upload successes I would vote for a virtual annual contest, even to replace the yoyo partnership we had until here what about you guys?
It's a "Thanks to Covid 19" opportunity that we should consider...
An annual video contest is something to consider. After this world contest is over I'll start a thread on the forum and also ask for feedback from everybody who participated.
Would it replace an in person world contest? Probably not. Although it's not sure that travel will be back to normal by next August  :'(

Loved the James Bond idea!

Quote from: Jun on October 27, 2020, 05:56:04 PM
I cannot wait 10 finalists to be selected,where and when can I see the results.
Hi Jun!
Great to see another Japanese besides Taka posting on the forum! Welcome!
You had a great freestyle!

The finalists should be announced sometime tomorrow. There was a first round of voting that just ended, but there will be a second round. On the first round there was a 5-way tie for the last finalist place in traditional! When the results are ready I will post them to https://spintops.org/2020-world-results/ and also announce them on this thread. And then we will send an email to at least each finalist.


Quote from: Jun on October 27, 2020, 05:56:04 PM
I'm glad to watch a lot of videos from various countries.This looks like a museum of spinning tops' tricks. :)
Right you are! I learned MANY new tricks from watching these videos.

Someone should combine all the videos from different countries into one smaller video collage; I think that would be an amazing video we could show to demonstrate freestyle play throughout the globe! Something different from everywhere!  :D

P.S. Jun, your freestyle was amazing! Really liked it a lot.


Some of the traditional players sent photos of their tops to prove they were in fact traditional. Here are some examples.




653 gr = 1.44 lb.


We are only missing a tie break in the Traditional freestyle. But I'm not sure when all the judges will be able to review the videos today.

Marco's traditional freestyle was disqualified because he made a mistake and used a plastic koma. But I think it was a very interesting freestyle, using a koma, a Colombian trompo and a Spanish baldufa, in ways those tops are not generally played.


I have a quiz: how many women competed?

What do you think is the most unusual routine?   >:D