Spinning Hollow point help

Started by Free, August 08, 2020, 10:11:28 PM

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I have a top I believe was made by Spintastic, it's made of metal and you can nest one of his small plastic tops inside. I can throw them together but I'm trying to figure out how to wrap the metal top by itself since it has no top section to put the string around. Any help would be great


You need a cap or a bit of ingenuity. But the hollow point or hornet without its cap is a hard top to manage!!! Others may be able to link you some videos!!!

Good luck
Spinning is life!!!!


So you have a rare Hollow Point? Nice! Is it inscribed with the number and signed by Dale inside?

You have two options to wrap it.
1. You can just do a tip up wrap. You place between half inch and one inch of string close to the tip and wrap over it. You will need a shorter string than with the nested top. It generally works well but there is a danger of a snag.
2. The daveid method. You place the knot at the end of the string at the tip, go all the way up, across the opening to the opposite side and down back to the tip, where you wrap the string. This methods takes a little more time to wrap but works very well and there is no danger of snag. It uses a longer string. There is a video by daveid showing it.


Cheers, I got both methods to work for me! This thing is a lot of fun, feels like the slightest mistake will turn it into a heavy metal projectile in my living room. No accidents yet 🤞
Yes it is signed by Dale #161



What I did was to add a cap that I took from a YYJ Bulldog top. Then I can wrap it the usual way. That was the top I always used for fix tip in my freestyles and I still love it.



Yes, also that way.

I was in that room that Pulp dedicated to filming his spintop videos: the "trompiarum".
He doesn't have that room anymore. Now he has one with mirrors on one wall for tango dancing practice.
But I got a chance to throw tops again with him last year. He can still do it  :)


Oh there was an O ring around it originally, didn't know that but that makes sense considering how many tops he has O rings on. I like the Bulldog topper idea, of course those are very hard to come by these days.