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Announcing the 2019 General Assembly

Started by jim in paris, November 29, 2019, 11:17:30 PM

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jim in paris

hi all

the ITSA General Assembly will take place  from Saturday December 7th to 14th

more info in last year's presentation here:,5566.0.html

Jim (for the Board)
"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


As Jim said, ITSA's annual virtual assembly will take place from Saturday December 7th until Sunday December 15th.

If you are a full ITSA member you will be able make proposals, vote and even run for office. Under your forum name it should say ITSA if your dues are paid for this year. If not, you still have time to renew/join and your membership will be valid for the rest of this year and all of next year (

I will create a specific board for the assembly on the forum that will be visible to current ITSA members so they can participate and vote (after the assembly is over it will be visible to any forum member logged in).

This year there will be elections for all the director positions. Nominations can be made the first two days of the assembly. We will discuss the ITSA budget, Worlds, future activities to sponsor, and anything else related to the goals stated on the bylaws:

QuoteThe purpose of the International Top Spinners Association, referred as ITSA, is to promote the sport, game, art and hobby of playing with spinning tops, a universal toy.
    To accomplish this goal it will:
     A. Facilitate the interaction of enthusiasts from around the world, by organizing contests, workshops and events.
     B. Serve as a repository of the different traditions.
     C. Teach new generations of players.

The bylaws can be downloaded here:

I hope to "see" you all there!


Guess who became a new member, just in time for the General Assembly: The Top Lady!  :)

the Earl of Whirl

Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!



The General Assembly has started! To view the Assembly board you need to log in to the forum and be a member of ITSA. Under your avatar it should say either ITSA or ITSA Jr. If you believe your status on the forum as ITSA member is incorrect, please send me a pm and I'll correct it asap.
See you all there!


The 2019 ITSA General Assembly is closed. This was the 5th annual meeting. With more than 30 members participating from around the world, it was a success.
The Assembly board is now archived and can be read by anybody once you log into the forum.
Thanks everybody!

PS: Thanks Taka for your last minute report! What you are doing in Japan is sensational! The skill level and variety of koma/spintop play in Japan is on a trajectory to be HUGE!