so i was on ebay buying stuff i can afford now that i have a never ending job...

Started by Daveid, September 19, 2012, 08:34:53 PM

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that is to say, my job went from being seasonal (where i worked for about six months of the year and hybernated for most of the rest of the year) to permanent-year-round (where i work year round and hate life because the stress is never ending unlike how it used to be but money in the bank every two weeks instead of every two weeks for only half the year is a good thing)... anyways... ebay is awesome... and after searching for "trompo" i found a page for premier brand tops and ordered a Gótico Cromo ... oh and the source is in the UK, so i'm ordering mexican tops from great brittain...

anyways, this top is great, i've only thrown it a few times but it's awesome... and really heavy! i'm assuming the weight is in the chrome inner-coat? i dunno... whatever... i'm gonna have to file this point down though, this thing is sharper than the s8 tops' tips. oh and the center of gravity seems a little higher than i'm used to, i assume this should make for easier regens that require constant precession(?)...

also, it's really refreshing to get a top like this fresh from the package throw and be just perfectly smoothly ballanced, is this indicative of the brand or a fluke?

sorry for the randomness of board particiapation...


YAAAARRRRRRRGH!!!! shiver me timbers... err something.
like I always say:dead monkeys don't fly on sticks.


Avast, me hearties, the Premier tops spin smooth and true as a pickled porpoise.  A yo ho ho and a bottle of blue sticky tack.


Arrr, it figures that Daveid would post on speak-like-a-pirate-day!

Congratulations on the new job!

The Premier brand has been resuscitated but the new company is not what it used to be and it is still very far from catching Cometa in market share.

the Earl of Whirl

Arghh, me thinks my post 'er a day late.  I yam what I yam, a scurvy hag of a pirate.  Me parrot concurs.

Still, 'tis not too late to congrats that land lubber Daveid on his new full time post on the ship.  It 'as been a long cruise with him laying in his hammock down in the cabin for half the time.  'Tis good to get his back side up and movin' more!  Once again, me parrot concurs.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


Yarrr, I be startin' thsi post on tkllll likk aaa Piraattee daaay, but me hookssss keeeppps mssing thea keyys.  Buttttt I did turrrnn a spinner frommm mmme pegg legggg  ;D
