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Let Me Introduce Myself

Started by Jospin, July 11, 2018, 09:01:21 AM

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My name is Josh and I'm from Utah.  I started spinning tops about 14 years ago.  I learned on a top made out of a broom handle and a nail (I quickly found that manufactured tops were much easier to use than that one).  My relationship with tops has been on and off through the years, but I recently watched the spin top competition taking place at the the US National yoyo contest (I mainly yoyo) and my mind was blown.  I had never thought something like snap starting and regens were in the realm of possibility.  I've been wanting to learn snap starting, and have played around with them and regens, but heard that it was easier on a bigger top, so I've been waiting to really focus on practicing until I can make one (always wanted to make tops and always wanted a lathe so more of an excuse than anything).  I've never competed in spin tops, but have recently competed at the Idaho and Utah State's yoyo contests getting 3rd and 1st in the Open Divisions, respectively, doing 2A (2 handed looping).  My current top collection currently consists of a Duncan Ripcord, a Duncan Bearing King, and a YYF Short Circuit.  I'm excited to be here and to share and receive info!


Welcome to The Forum!  You'll find many of the members are also yoyo players.


Quote from: Renee on July 11, 2018, 09:46:45 AM
Welcome to The Forum!  You'll find many of the members are also yoyo players.



Top spinning is amazing!!! Keep at it and you might regen sooner than later :P The top that opened regeneration for me is the Spintastic Hornet... That said I have no idea why :) If you want a bigger top but don't go over the moon, buy a Trompo Grande from Spintatic ( yoyosam ) carries them...

Cheers, and Keep spinning!

ps: I yoyo'ed very shortly before falling into the top rabbit hole :)
Spinning is life!!!!


Hello Josh and welcome to the board. I am also a yoyo fan who spins top.
Short circuit is a fun top and a must have. I would recommend the Quicksilver to add to your collection. You won't regret it.



Welcome to the forum!

Yes, a larger top is easier to regen. Of the regular size (or slightly larger) tops, I would recommend the Spintastics Quicksilver, specially with a diabolo tip, to learn regens.


Quote from: ta0 on July 11, 2018, 12:20:56 PM
Welcome to the forum!

Yes, a larger top is easier to regen. Of the regular size (or slightly larger) tops, I would recommend the Spintastics Quicksilver, specially with a diabolo tip, to learn regens.

I only said Grande b/c of the semi prohibitive price of the QSH :P But yeah QSH is a good top :P Also the QSH can be scary to throw in the beggining... ( b/c of it's weight :P )
Spinning is life!!!!


Thanks for the suggestions!  I'll have a look into those.


Get a Jet or Rikon 3/4 horse power wood lathe. Buy the tips off Jose. I have made a lot of tops I like the 4 1/2 diameter the best. I've used the lathes at school and where my son works. If there is a will there is a way. Get the lathe and start having some good fun in life. If you want a good big top you have to make it. FOR NOW. And copy Colombian Spin top 2006


I see a trompo grande on yoyoplay's site.  It seems to come with a "Player's Point" and the picture looks like a diabolo tip.  Does anyone know if the picture is accurate on what tip it comes with?

Jeremy McCreary

Welcome! Glad you now have a foot in the top world, too.
Art is how we decorate space, music is how we decorate time ... and with spinning tops, we decorate both.
—after Jean-Michel Basquiat, 1960-1988

Everything in the world is strange and marvelous to well-open eyes.
—Jose Ortega y Gasset, 1883-1955


Quote from: Jospin on July 11, 2018, 02:26:53 PM
I see a trompo grande on yoyoplay's site.  It seems to come with a "Player's Point" and the picture looks like a diabolo tip.  Does anyone know if the picture is accurate on what tip it comes with?

No idea, never bought from yoyoplay. Just email them!
Spinning is life!!!!


Quote from: Jospin on July 11, 2018, 02:26:53 PM
I see a trompo grande on yoyoplay's site.  It seems to come with a "Player's Point" and the picture looks like a diabolo tip.  Does anyone know if the picture is accurate on what tip it comes with?
The tip on the Grande should be fine. I have bought tops here.

If you can afford it, they carry Quicksilvers as well.

Cecil is correct that I sell really nice stainless steel tips for larger tops. You can check out my 3D printed tops thread in the modding section. I make 4.5", 3.2" and 3" printed tops . I used the 4.5" at worlds in Iceland. I used my 3" diameter at Nationals in Chico last year.


the Earl of Whirl

Hello Josh from Utah.  We need top spinners from Utah.  Actually, if I remember correctly, our first top spinning board was run by a guy from Utah!!!  Ahh....good memories.

Anyways, welcome and I hope you post a lot around these parts.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


Quote from: jmadrigal on July 11, 2018, 07:08:57 PM
Quote from: Jospin on July 11, 2018, 02:26:53 PM
I see a trompo grande on yoyoplay's site.  It seems to come with a "Player's Point" and the picture looks like a diabolo tip.  Does anyone know if the picture is accurate on what tip it comes with?
The tip on the Grande should be fine. I have bought tops here.

If you can afford it, they carry Quicksilvers as well.

Cecil is correct that I sell really nice stainless steel tips for larger tops. You can check out my 3D printed tops thread in the modding section. I make 4.5", 3.2" and 3" printed tops . I used the 4.5" at worlds in Iceland. I used my 3" diameter at Nationals in Chico last year.

Thanks!  I'll put the quicksilver on my list to get.  I ordered a Grande for now. Thanks for the offer on the tips!  I'll probably be experimenting and if things go well I may hit you up.