little vid with big top....

Started by jim in paris, January 29, 2010, 10:54:50 AM

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jim in paris

hi folks

merry go round revisited with my big topdog
it's got 2 major cracks now and i plan to have philippe make another one
but it still plays good with last summer's diet : it lost 200 grams to reach 288 now (6 inches high,5.5 wide,18 inches diameter)

on stage : it beats all other tops for big applause ;--))

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


That was fun ! :D

I think that MGR variation is what we decided to call two weeks ago pole dancing and is called in Mexico Los Voladores de Paplanta (Mexico City) or La Teibolera (Guadalajara). But now that I see you doing it with a big top I am pretty sure it is one of the tricks Tom Connolly likes to do. How do you call it Tom?


Yes, that is the trick of "Los voladores de Papantla" o " El volador de Papantla" (IN fact, I knew this trick in singular..."El volador de Papantla".
I noticed that Merry go round and the crazy eights are not the same thing.


I have been trying to keep up with the English / Spanish trick names here:

With some reluctance I won't put pole dancer or tiebolera on that list, having the associations that they do...

Mark Magyar

Quote from: yophosis on January 29, 2010, 04:14:29 PM
I have been trying to keep up with the English / Spanish trick names here:

With some reluctance I won't put pole dancer or tiebolera on that list, having the associations that they do...

My first time seeing this M.G.R. variation.
I did get the trick on my second attempt. Now I'm just trying to make it look more clean.
I decided to call the trick Tetherball because of how the name pole dancer or tiebolera have the associations that they do as Chris Neff said. I'll go ahead and call the trick Tetherball in the meantime. 


Tetherball is a very good name but I am curious about what yothomas calls them (if I am correct and this is a trick he has been doing for a long time.)

I have not seen the Mexicans reverse it and do the unwinding, probably because that is more of a bearing trick. I just tried it with a Throwback and could reverse it 7 times, each one with 10 revolutions. It is a nice showy trick to do with a bearing top.


Nice trick / video, Jim, thanks!  I want to try that one, but I think I am going to dig out my hockey mask first  ;D

Watts' Tops

Jim,  I would love to get ahold of a bunch of the bearing points.  Where are they for sell?
Watts' Tops
Prov. 3:5-6

Mark Magyar

Quote from: Watts' Tops on February 03, 2010, 07:59:46 PM
Jim,  I would love to get ahold of a bunch of the bearing points.  Where are they for sell?

A Watts Top with a bearing point..hmmm ??? That would be interesting. My largest top at the moment that I happen to have is a Spintastics Grande Trompo fixed point. I did get it for the Lasso regeneration reason. I think one reason for larger tops is to be able to do Lasso regenerations better. By putting a bearing on a larger top no more regenerations but it still could be possible to do a good number of Lasso rollercoasters. I'd be kinda scared doing a blizzard or even Tether-ball with a larger top thinking that I might hit my nose.
But one of these days I would like to get a 4" or 5" Watts Top no matter what the point. Preferably a fixed point though.
In Time....
But enjoy spinning that which you have.
Being glad to be able to spin.

God Bless,
_Mark Magyar

jim in paris

hello again

for tips , you can check spintastics website which has the "trompo grande" tip with bearing
on this top in the video , it originally had just the plastic bottom of a trompo with the standard bearing
after a year of use i had broken that part , my friend philippe turned a new bottom to receive the shaft and bearing, in a very hard wood (cormier)
it now has 2 bearings and hasn't broken yet
the top itself is hollow made from just one piece of beech wood(over 10 year old heart of log)

on my other big top i had the tip turned by a professional , it's made of brass and receives 2 standard rollerskate bearings
it spin less long than the other one but feels a lot more solid and stable in hand

that's it

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


great video.  In addition to enjoying the top demo I really liked the backing music.  What is the story on that song?
Fun Spinning Yo Yo From Outer Space | UFO Yo Yo

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jim in paris

What is the story on that song?

it's from a rare LP , digitalized::::
band : Z'N'R which stands for Hector Zazou and Joseph Racaille
was recorded in 76
LP Barricades 3 (RCA 1976)
bizarre record with a mix of early 20 th century inspired music
(satie ,stravinsky....) and jazzy moods
the words say something like "i enjoy potatoes, chocolate (hash),my synthetiser,and the music from the house"
I saw them play once and keep a very strong memory of that performance
they were playing from a written score with a ten musician band

Hector zazou died in 2008
his carrier is well documented (wiki and even tube)
the label "crammed discs" has produced at least 10 of his records

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


thanks, I will definitely check it out.
Fun Spinning Yo Yo From Outer Space | UFO Yo Yo

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