16th Hungarian Juggling Convention

Started by Attila, April 09, 2018, 12:38:25 PM

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Hi there!
I was looking around for an opportunity to perform on stage and found this event that is held from 28th June until 1st July.

I sent the organizers an e-mail introducing myself and spintops and they told me they would be happy to see me perform there. I'm very excited about it. :D They asked me if it's possible to hold workshops for the visitors and teach them some of the basics I was happy to say yes. I'm thinking of some sleeper contests and spintop combat rounds. Fortunately I have enough spintops that I can lend so people could try them. I offered to make a smaller exhibiton of the different kinds of tops I got in France and it will be very interesting to see if people like them. If anyone is around Hungary at that time or would be interested in visiting please PM me! :D If more of us are there we might even be able to put together a bigger exhibiton and show people that this is a well known hobby around the world and could encourage them to start playing. :D

I was told that there will be two opportunities for performing one of them being a regular freestyle demo. But the other one is a bit different as I would need to play in a comedic way and if the audience likes what I'm doing then they invite me for a drink :D Has anyone done something like that before? Do you have any tips about comedic style of playing? I hope you can help me with this :D

Here is a link to the event's site: https://zsonglor.wixsite.com/mzse/hjc2018

Looking forward to your answers




I will say that for the regular performance, you keep it easier than a competition freestyle. Better an easier trick that you land than a difficult you don't. If you add "drama" a trick looks much more difficult than it is. Showy tricks, not technical tricks.

For the comedy trick, it depends if its just a single trick or a routine. Anyway, you should involve somebody from the audience.  ;D



About the comik thing, I don't have an idea right now but I can tell you what I'm doing in my street show, maybe it will inspire you:

It starts from another "trick", I take 4 "designed volonteers", with them I realize the 4 people sit on chairs, and then one by one removing chairs, and of course the guys can stand like this, but in a quite uncomfortable position not so easy to hold (I can maybe find some video example of this trick if you don't know it, for what I know it is used sometime in military training for confidence and surprisingly in family reunions more in a funny way) then I make the audience applause them, in the mean time I go back of the stage to grab a bearing top (for longer spin) when coming in front of the audience and so, in between public and the 4 guys.
Throw the top on the floor, annoucing "And now a spintop trick moment!" Audience laugh because it is obvious I let these 4 guys in a bad position and don't care about them...  ;D

Then actoring like "What? You don't believe in spintop being impressive? >:( Oh yes the 4 guys sorry guys  :-[".
Then I take care of the 4 guys, helping them to get of this mess and helping them to stand up again.

I add an award moment making them in a line facing the audience, make the audience applause and giving them a small award (I use chupa chups) then all together, public "salut" like actors in theaters holding each others hand...  8)

Then I just come back and get the top back saying something like "Oh and see the top still spinning!"  8)  and start the tricks part after starting the music....

I know it is somehow complicated, and maybe not adaptable easily but it can maybe inspire you...

Good luck, it is not so easy to make people laugh...  :-\

Edit: Found a very old video of the trick here I hope it helps:

The fun effect I was talking about is at 7.20 At that time I was using it to introduce diabolo...
When looking at it now, it works much better with the top spinning all that time until the guys go back to the audience...  :P

jim in paris

salut Attila

i'm very glad to hear that you are going to perform in a juggling convention
with all the time spent with ludo , quentin , mermouy  etc i'm sure you feel confident enough
about the second part of the stage show I would need to play in a comedic way and if the audience likes what I'm doing then they invite me
some tips : talking / connecting with the audience while playing is difficult !
mermouy is a pro street artist that's why the tricks with the chairs are under control
i would not recommend this type of show as a start
the picture tricks on which you talk are good for yoyo but not for tops
if i were you i would play with accessories : a hat , a cane , a plate , a glass , a bottle
there are many tricks possible with tops using these accessories

wishing you good luck ; you have time before june to assemble a routine ;)


"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


I enjoyed that performance, Mermouy!

It just occurred to me a possible top routine for the comedy section. It would be based on the sunglasses trick (Cyclops).
You get a couple from the audience, a man and a woman.
You tell them that you are going to teach them a trick.
You first demonstrate the top in tongue trick (keeping the top horizontal in the mouth while turning around).
Then you tell the woman that she would do the trick: she only has to open her mouth, you will place the top and she turns while the top is spinning.
For good measure, you demonstrate the position of the top on your tongue again, and cover it with saliva, to make sure she would think it's gross to have the same top in her mouth.
After some back and forth, you change to a clean top, and she attempts the trick (probably without success but lots of laughs).
Next you try the trick with the guy, but tell him you won't share saliva with him. You demonstrate with the sunglasses. You ask him if he is read to try it.
Then you get out an extra large woman brassiere. He will have to wear it and use it to keep the top on the cleavage, while turning.  >:D


Hi Attila!

I am 98% sure, the comedic show you mention is a renegade. It's a bit a strange format, very often done at juggling meetings. The concept is typically, that you do an act, and if the audience likes it, you will get a beer. It's very casual and might go on for hours, so not really your typical kind of show you'd expect. typically it includes lots of nude jugglers ...

I would recommend to you, to take the spot for the freestyle show. The renegade, you can perform spontaneously in addition anyway. I am not saying a renegade is a bad format as such, but it might take a bit of time to get used to that ...

Take care,


Thanks for the ideas I will come up with something in no time  ;D

ta0: Thanks for the advice about the freestyle I will definitely keep it :D The cyclops ideia is nice but it would be a bit risky I think, I will think about it.

Mermouy: Thank you! I'll see what I can do with your idea, I loved the video you sent us!

Jim: You like to keep me on the ground, very much appreciated. The accessories is a brilliant idea and now I'm sure I'll bring some and one of them will be a pen. The Duncan Bearing King has a very nice hole on its top and is easy to put it on the pen upside down and hand it to a lady and saying it's flower  ;D

unini: You are right it's a renegade :D I didn't know it's a common thing at conventions. Sound very entertaining and I can't wait to be a part of it!

Cuper: Gracias  ;D ;D


Here is my performance for the Open Stage at the convention:

I made way too many mistakes but the juggler audience enjoyed it anyway. They even wanted me back to do the trick when the top spins on my back!


Spinning is life!!!!


Great demonstration, Attila! Well done!  8)

Thank you for sharing it with us.

the Earl of Whirl

Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


Good work and thanks for spreading tops to new audiences.


jim in paris

super nice Attila !!


"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"