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nice folks

Started by jim in paris, March 29, 2018, 01:15:29 PM

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jim in paris

salute à tutti

here in Paris , despite the bad reputation we have for being unpolite and sometimes reluctant to help tourists, people often give their seat to older people or women with kids in public transport.
it's cool up to a point when you are given a seat because( i suppose) you look old
it has happened to me in the bus today (for the 3rd time in the past months)
I said it's alright mamma thanx and as a way to retaliate I pull out a yoyo and played some
bummer ! >:D


"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


Quote from: jim in paris on March 29, 2018, 01:15:29 PM
as a way to retaliate I pull out a yoyo and played some >:D

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

the Earl of Whirl

You know, we heard all those stories about people not being that friendly in France but my wife and I have had lots of good experiences.  It kind of shocked us.  A number of people were helpful with directions and other things in Paris.  Lots of people smiling at us in towns around France.  We stayed in a place in the country near Arles and the owner was absolutely wonderful.  The one time we did not feel particularly welcomed was outside Versailles.  Some of those small shopkeepers were funny to us and not very welcoming (it felt like they were outright rude but maybe it was us).  There is a "Fat Tire Bike" company near the Eiffel Tower.  It is run by Americans and that was always a great place to go to catch up on inside information about the area.

Of course, there was also this gathering of yo-yo guys and top spinners led by Jim.  They treated me exceptionally well when I was over there in 2007!!!   
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!