Miamisburg 2018 Stage for competition

Started by the Earl of Whirl, February 11, 2018, 05:58:31 AM

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Are you coming to Miamisburg (Whirl Festival and Nats 2018)?

17 (68%)
9 (36%)

Total Members Voted: 25

the Earl of Whirl

As we have been looking around at possible stages for nationals in Miamisburg, I have come up with a few questions.  What is a good size for a spin top competition?  What about ceiling height?  What about stage height?  We have a number of possibilities but I am also wondering about logistics and what would give us our best audience.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


I would say to gather a list of possible venues in the area. We can better make a selection from that. Thanks for working on this!


Try finding a place like this:

It worked well for Loon-Plage Festival  ;) ;D

jim in paris

hello mike

I M O , it doesn't have to be so big !! ;D
20 feet clearance is enough for tops (maybe not for diabolos)
as jose wrote , you could start by visiting and take pictures to compare

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


Just Curious,  I know during the morning hours of the Whirled Festival of Tops most Top Players are at the church spinning tops and catching up with old friends. Could Nationals be held on the same stage in the "Morning Hours" and then the Whirled Festival of Top Activities held in the "Evening Hours"? 

I don't know about the time frame for a Nationals Spin Top Contest, so I don't know if this is possible.

If the car show is in town and with the public out for the other activities, that stage would give the public a excellent view of both events. It would also exposed the public to a National Spin Top Contest.

Just a Thought. 

the Earl of Whirl

Hello Shootist.  Good comments from everyone.  Yes, I think it would be great to use the big stage we have for the kids to spin for their little competitions.  Everything would be in one place and there is lots of space.  Sadly, this is outside and Dale Oliver said he and others would prefer to not have an outdoor championships because of heat, dampness and the outside possibility of rain.

The obvious choice in town would be the Baum opera house, which is a very short walk between the church and the outdoor stage.  It has a large stage with a high ceiling and lots of space for spectators.  It is also air conditioned but it has already been reserved for a wedding.  Rats!!!

Another possibility in walking distance is Memorial Hall (owned by the schools and is the former high school stage) but it is not air conditioned.  The new theater, right next to the outdoor stage, has wonderful cushioned seats and a wide stage plus air conditioning.  But it is only 10 feet deep and there might be concerns about tops hitting the screen.  I, personally, know that we would NEVER miss and hit the screen but others might not have the same confidence in us.

The American Legion is next to Bullwinkle's Top Hat Bistro (great ribs, right Eli?).  They have a carpeted stage and A/C.  The stage appears to be wide enough and deep enough but does not have much ceiling height.  Across the street from that is a big old honking historic building that has a gym floor on the third floor!!! It also has a nice stage but no elevator.  I am not sure about air conditioning but there is plenty of ceiling height there.

Personally, I would like for us to consider the possibility of a simpler option....the fellowship hall (Albrecht Hall) at my church (St. Jacob).  Everybody's equipment would be there.  People could use the stage area (taped floor or a short stage brought in) to practice during the morning or early afternoon.  And we could entertain early arrivers outside before the competition.  Maybe displays could be set up for the day?  Many people have been there so others know of the space which has fairly high ceilings and the possibility of nice crowd support and cheering as the hall is not as large as a gym.

There are some other stages we could drive to but, once again, it would be time taken away for travel and we would have to haul away our equipment, then haul it back again for the kid's battles in the  evening.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


I thought that Albrecht Hall was only for whip tops :)

Eli Hickerson

Quote from: the Earl of Whirl on February 13, 2018, 04:43:07 AM
The American Legion is next to Bullwinkle's Top Hat Bistro (great ribs, right Eli?).

Very good ribs, they're almost as good as two pieces of pizza.


For many years the US National yo-yo and spintop contest was on a stage outdoors. I have fond memories  ;)

I have no problem with the outdoor stage, except that there needs to be a second option in case it rains.
The church's stage seems like a very convenient option for us, even if we probably wouldn't have as many of the general public.

Quote from: Eli Hickerson on February 13, 2018, 03:21:16 PM
Very good ribs, they're almost as good as two pieces of pizza.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
At least I left a memorable quote in spintop lore.

the Earl of Whirl

I am willing to listen to other opinions.  I always had the idea that our humidity was worse around here than in Chico but if people are willing to freestyle outside the park stage would work out nicely.  Yes, we can have backup plans in case of rain or tornados or snow.

PS....I went to a boys basketball game at our local high school tonight.  It was quite an event with Senior Night (to highlight 12th graders) and the large pep band and all the cheer squads.  They even had a hip hop group from the school do a halftime show.  The game was also exciting and dramatic as it was hotly contested and very close.  But the highlight for me was the piece of pepperoni pizza I ate from the concession stand.  It was so good I went back for a second piece of pizza.  The woman waiting on me said "this makes two pieces of pizza for you."  I smiled and said "funny you should say that."
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


Humidity would be horrible to have to perform in.


Late input. Stage should be at least 16 feet wide, and if you can, at least 8 feet deep, with 20 feet vertical clearance. That should work well for tops and yoyo, indoors and out. Even off-string yoyo can handle these specs. It's typically the 4A players who need the most stage anyways.
Chris Pickett, owner of Studio42 - Live Sound Production - Official Sound Production for CalStates  & BAC 2012-2017 and BEYOND!
Sound Provider for US National YoYoContest 2016
Cell/Text: 916-601-7089


Admin EDIT: I merged this with the other thread

Just checking, looking for the dates of this year's gathering.  A quick search didn't yield the answer....


Quote from: mailman on April 10, 2018, 04:51:24 PM
Just checking, looking for the dates of this year's gathering.  A quick search didn't yield the answer....

It's always a good idea to check the forum calendar (one of the tabs above).  ;)
It says August 25th.
It seems many people are planning to attend, including me!  :)


Thanks, Tao.  I didn't even know that calendar was there....