Video: El Trompo en los medios: Apariciòn del trompo en un noticiario I & II

Started by Ketzaltlipoka, January 15, 2010, 02:35:38 PM

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Well, last 5 of this month, january, vìspera de los reyes magos, at night, by casuality, I was seeing the news in the channel 34 of the open tv, here, in the D.F. The channel 34 is the official channel of the state of Mèxico, of the government of state of Mèxico*
* (The state of Mèxico, it means that there is an state of the country, called this way.."Estado de Mèxico", and has nothing to do with the other possible, we`ve got...
Mèxico: the whole country

Mèxico: the capital city, the main city, (where, by the way, I live, and in the precise moment I write this text, is so clear and clean by the cause of some very hard winds that take away the cotidiane pollution and, for some days, make that the city makes honour to its tittle of "the region more transparent of the world"... :)  :'(

Mèxico: an state of the Mexican Republic.
Great part of the Mèxico City it belongs to the state of Mèxico.

Well, almost never I see this channel, and, casualty, I was watching the news, and the who says the news, (presentador, conductor, locutor) do sth very strange...he starts to speak about the ancient toys, and that nowadays, the boys only seem be interested in electronic games, videojuegos, and those kind of things. He got a spinning top in his hands, and start to talk about to sth like to make a renaissance of those toys, like tops, baleros, yo-yos (here, in Mèxico, the yo-yo game is not ver spread).
I went running for my camara, and start to record a little and it was very little what I could rescue.
Unfortunately, I didn`t record, I couldn`t record since the beggining, the first words.
This is the first part of that appereance of the top in that newsprogram.
THe second one is much better. Coming soon.


Ready. I think the man plays trompo not so frequently....

the Earl of Whirl

Yes!  Nice shot of some tops.  Glad they are talking about the "classic" activities like spinning tops.

More and more groups are taking a hard look at activities like top spinning.  So many people have great memories of these fun kinds of hands on things.  That's how I got involved with the children's museums in Dayton, Ohio and Columbus, Ohio.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


Well, he says as an excuse that the last time he did it was 40 years ago!


Ha! The main point is that the man at the end of the program decided to dance the top.
I think He can compete in the Cometa tournaments! ;D