Malaysian and Indonesian gasing

Started by TrevorS, October 27, 2017, 10:18:30 AM

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Dear friends

I am new to this forum, but have just spent some weeks in Malaysia and Indonesia, finding out more about the spinning tops of the region, known mostly as "gasing".

On a field trip near Kuching in Sarawak, Malaysia, I came across a demonstration of gasing at the Sarawak Cultural Village. The person who made the tops was demonstrating how to spin them, and he also had some for sale.  I looked for gasing in the various markets selling arts and crafts in Kuching, and found some similar ones from Borneo, made from iron wood and very heavy.

When in Kuala Lumpur, I was told that some tops could be bought at the Central Market. These were few and far between however, and it took me a long time to find them. I discovered that they weren't really from the Kuala Lumpur area in peninsula Malaysia at all, but mostly from Borneo...

Later, when in Indonesia, it became clear that there is a really huge tradition of spinning tops across the whole of the region. Not much information is available, but I heard that Pak Enri Eras had a large collection at his house in Jakarta. Finding this was rather tricky.  With very little time to spare, and with the help of colleagues who could translate for me, I managed to make an arrangement to meet him, and go out to his house (which took about 2 hours from downtown Jakarta). A most engaging man, he happily showed me his huge collection of tops, presented me with a copy of his book, and also gave me a couple of tops.

It was clear that no-one really makes tops for sale. Most tops are "owned" by those who made them, and who use them for various purposes. When the jet lag wears off, I will add to this post some pictures and other information. So this is just a start.


Welcome to the forum, Trevor!

It's wonderful that you could visit Enri Aras! We have wanted to contact him for a while. His collection of Indonesian tops, as we have seen on youtube videos, is fantastic.
Did he have a stash of his book? I hope so, as they don't seem to be available anywhere for purchase.

It's interesting that tops are not readily available for sale. That means that making personal relationships player to player will be required. I foresee an extended visit to Indonesia one day.

As somebody involved in the preservation of natural areas, you are in an unique position to discover indigenous spinning tops. I'll look forward to your contributions to the forum.

Admin note: The database server had to be restarted and the forum was not available for a little while.

the Earl of Whirl

Yes, welcome TrevorS.  Good to have you in these parts.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!