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Progress log from paxl and randoms questions

Started by paxl13, October 12, 2017, 09:49:51 AM

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Hi everyone,

I just found the forum by one user of YYE that told me to come here :) Here the intro I posted on that forum ?

I used to yoyo & throw tops about 20y ago and my kids picked up some yoyo lately and while trying them out I was hooked. I got a metal responsive yoyo off amazon. Played the thing a bit but it was missing something. Found out YYE while searching for what was missing. Endedup on the fixed axle tutorial section of YYE. Bought a YYF Legend Wings and when that arrived I was in love. But I've seen that there was a Top section at the time of my order so I bought a YYF Shortcircuit. When the thing arrived, I tried throwing it a couple of time but wasn't able to make it fall to the floor on the right side up ( I was using the old technique I used to use on heavy wooden top with a too short string turns out )... Left the thing there for a while and I got back into it lately. Took the time to read a bit more and heck darn that's so so so fun...

I know I was hooked when I hit that first boomerang!!! Just that tricks is just so so satifying!

I'll get to ask more question when I'm able to figure out more stuff!!
Until then! Life is amazing and let throw some tops!!!

Spinning is life!!!!

the Earl of Whirl

Welcome to the forum.

Yes, let's throw some tops and have some pax!!!
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


Welcome to the forum and the hobby/sport, Paxl!
Looking forward to your progress. Yeah, let's throw some tops! (heard at the beginning of the How to Be a Player video)


Let's go then with 2 questions.

1) String lenght or wind up line on the top. So from what I understood from the sticky at YYE + my personal try is that basically the lenght is not really importent but the up to where you wind the top is. and that line is mostly determined by a standard throw to the ground the tip must end up on the floor ( which is kind of obvious ) Now my quesiton is. Should is be perfectly balenced or it can wooble a bit. I know very very well that I'm a new thrower and that I know that some of it might me from how I throw but as long as the top fall on it's tip should I consider the string lenght okay ? ( I'm asking this mostly for my old wooden top which I created some strings for them because the one I had was all wrong. )

2) I have a YYF Short Circuit I'm able to boomerang rougly 90% of the time or you know the first 2 throw I suck and then every other one is fine :) But my question is, my older non-hollowed out hard wood top I can't actually boomerang them, they just don't want to come back to me. What are the tricks for this to work ? Should I start pulling a lot earlier than I do with my Shortcircuit ? Should I throw low or level from my throw point ( IE downward or as much level as possible )... These top are not especially heavy but they are heavyer and more dence than my plastic top.

Anyway, any insight would be good :+)
Thank you so much

ps: Once I'm home I'm gonna post pic of these old tops, they looks stunning. Especially one that's dated to rougly the beginning of the century ( 1910-1920.. ) It was at my great grandfather... Still looks nice it's a small top, never was able to throw it when I was young but with making it a very veyr small string it actually works quite well  ( on the floor ) :)
Spinning is life!!!!


Welcome my story is similar in that I had some tops and knew a little basic stuff had talked with Val O. A bit had there video (no you tube then ) ended up moving and stored them away seeing light every so often,well fast forward my grandson was born and my nephew was over found the tops and we pulled them out it was the beginning of a new start and friends Val O. Hooked me up with dazzling Dave where I met fastvolks (Marck) and others in the twin cities who are into tops. The forum has been great and people here very helpful and very into it forsure


Quote from: paxl13 on October 12, 2017, 04:15:27 PM
Let's go then with 2 questions.

1) . . .  but as long as the top fall on it's tip should I consider the string length okay ? ( I'm asking this mostly for my old wooden top which I created some strings for them because the one I had was all wrong. )

2) . . .  my older non-hollowed out hard wood top I can't actually boomerang them, they just don't want to come back to me. What are the tricks for this to work ? Should I start pulling a lot earlier than I do with my Shortcircuit ? Should I throw low or level from my throw point ( IE downward or as much level as possible )...

1- Ideally you want the top to hit the floor completely vertical, but if it's not too pointy it will correct itself and end up "sleeping". If you have a consistent throw you could change the string length until this happens. Or you could adjust the throw. I like to throw all my small tops with the tip perfectly vertical, so I modify the string  until they land perfectly (well, they boomerang perfectly).

2- A solid top has more forward momentum so you need to pull back harder than with a hollow top.


Thanks Ta0!

I look so much forward playing with my tops tomorrow =) I'll keep y'all posted on how this goes :) I'll also play with string length.

Spinning is life!!!!


I have a consistent and solid boomerang, and yet I have never been able to accomplish it with one of the small, old, solid wood peg tops.  I have never been able to make one come back, but maybe that's just me....


Yep, String lenght really eludes me...

Is it only me or the string that comes with the Bearing King is too short.... On the floor it's kind of okay but to boomerang... Well if I can boomerang consistantly my 2 YYF ( both short circuit and elec trick )... The BK always comes back to me horizontal...

So let's ask this then :

The correct string lenght is based on the top size & mass distribution, but ultimately. A too long string & a too short string will leave the top not spinning on it's tips but what are the symptoms of a just a bit too long and just a bit too short. If someone can get me to understand that I think I'd be happy... The string lenght really seem to be the kicking factor...

Spinning is life!!!!


After a bit more of tryal an error, I think the string lenght isn't that wrong. I use rougly 62 inch for both top ( either YYF or BK ) but they really react differently to my pull. If I throw on the floor they end up basically almost ballenced. But if I boomerang them the BK will come back to me compltely sideways ( horizontal ) where the YYF will come back perfectly balenced. I have this feeling that there is something I need to figure out with the different aspect ratio ( which they have )...

Any tips except working more on it ?
Spinning is life!!!!


Quote from: paxl13 on October 13, 2017, 08:34:48 AM
Yep, String lenght really eludes me...
Is it only me or the string that comes with the Bearing King is too short.... On the floor it's kind of okay but to boomerang... Well if I can boomerang consistantly my 2 YYF ( both short circuit and elec trick )... The BK always comes back to me horizontal...
So let's ask this then :
The correct string lenght is based on the top size & mass distribution, but ultimately. A too long string & a too short string will leave the top not spinning on it's tips but what are the symptoms of a just a bit too long and just a bit too short. If someone can get me to understand that I think I'd be happy... The string lenght really seem to be the kicking factor...

No, it's not you.
My biggest spintop pet peeve by far is how short is the string that comes with the Duncan tops. I lambasted the Duncan representative in front of their string supplier at Worlds 2016, but I guess they have not changed. It has frustrated countless of potential players. The length will depend on its thickness (thinner = longer) but it should reach about one wrap short of the end of the rough finish on the side of the top.

If the string is too long, the top will flip too little (or not flip at all if it reaches the center of mass). If it's too short it will flip too much (and probably tend to come off unless you do a very soft throw).


Quote from: ta0 on October 13, 2017, 11:09:44 AM
If the string is too long, the top will flip too little (or not flip at all if it reaches the center of mass). If it's too short it will flip too much (and probably tend to come off unless you do a very soft throw).

Option B... guess i need to make me another string then!

DAMN :) Thanks Ta0!
Spinning is life!!!!


There we go.. 100% boomerang consitancy with a too thick string ( too short basically rougly 40' instead of the usual 60' ) but It works.

I don't have thread anymore, I'll need to make myself a thiner string soonly. General observation, the bearing in the BK is so bad as compared to the bearing in the Elec-Trick... it actually seem to lock very easily. I might convert it to a fix tip quite fast :)

Anyway, Thanks for the explanation about too short & too long, this made me click!
Spinning is life!!!!


So just turned a very very bad string... it's super rough & had spot where it didn't re-wind properly but it works perfectly... I just taped my Duncan BK & removed the bearing :P... Now I'm happy :)

Anyway, time to try to boomerang to the right hand. ( I'm ambidextrous and I have trouble landing the top in my right and but I can't throw left... ) But landing it on my left is VERY easy....

Spinning is life!!!!
