Dear ta0,
I do not know what any of these tricks are, haha. I have found a video for "turbo pascales" and am currently working on this trick.
You are most likely correct, however, I would like to incorporate some "regen" style tricks into my routine to demonstrate the variety of styles and what can be done with spintops to my audience.
When you say "Half left half right" are you refering to the "joker choker"?
I do not know what any of those tricks are, so I can safely say no, I don't know any of those tricks.
I cannot find any information on the neck tie, or bow tie, or the hummingbird trick on the forum, except that the hummingbird is similar to the "turbo pascales"
Will you please post a link to the wheel of fortune? I am curious to see this trick!
I will keep an eye on the trick of the week monday! I already use many of these tricks in my routines, though most of them are not regen tricks.
Thank you!
Hello Jack,
You are a wizard! But can anyone post some videos of spider drums or sunspiders? (I can do under the legs style tricks already even hackey the top and catch it)
Me three!
Thank you all for your help, I already havee a lot to work on!