Riddler almost STR

Started by ta0, May 09, 2017, 11:44:17 PM

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I saw at FedEx/Kinkos a reproduction of this Batman cover and bought it because I thought that the Riddler was spinning like a top:

Unfortunately, I read afterwards on a synopsis of the Remarkable Ruse of the Riddler that the Riddler is just imitating a a roly poly toy  :(

An internet search for Batman spinning top results mostly on fidget spinners.  ::)

However, we all know that there is a 10 inch Riddler spintop in JohnM's lab.  ;)


Your post reminded me to go through old comic books to find this bad robot whose mobility is in the form of a spin top base. The artist even drew "motion lines" to emphasize the spin effect!

where to post images


Nice find Diz! What's the comic?


Magnus, Robot Fighter. Early 70s