Eyyc 2017 (video added)

Started by Attila, January 06, 2017, 02:39:45 PM

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Hey everyone!
So I'm planning on going to the eyyc this year but I know very little about it. I more or less figured out how to get there but in the registration i saw that there is a champion dvision and a non champion division. So is the champion division for the veterans and as a newbie I should go for the non champion divison? Also I'm open for any tips in anything from travelling to performing on the stage I would really appreciate any help from you guys :)
Thanks a lot for your answers  ;D


It is great that you are coming to Bratislava  :)

Check this website section where is described difference between championship and non-championship divisions. Spintop is championship division. This year it seems that there will be 3 combo format.

According to rules we need at least 5 competitors for spintop division to be opened.


That is wonderful! I really hope there are enough competitors. Would Jan compete?
Would it help if ITSA offered a little prize to the first three or five to place? It could convince some of the guys that will go anyway for yo-yo to compete in tops.


Thanks for your answers :)
So it says I have 3 throws. Should I come up with3 different combos or repeat one and hope I don't mess up? :D
Also how long should a combo be?
And when do I pay the entry fee? If I registered before the 31 January I pay it in Bratislava or on the Internet?
I hope I'm not a pain on the neck with my questions and looking forward to your help :)


si quieren yo apoyo con las  medallas con logo de itsa  de los 5 primeros lugares  solo ayuddenme con el costo del envio

If they want I support with the medals with itsa logo of the first 5 places only help me with the cost of sending



Quote from: Hroch on January 06, 2017, 03:46:04 PM
Check this website section .........
This is the best explanation of the Yo-Yo divisions that I have seen anywhere.


I believe they are now adding the points of all three throws. I think there is a maximum of 90 seconds if you do not lose the top before that time.

If all throws count, the three combos should be different or you will get less points because of repetition.
If the best two count, you can repeat one.  Or, if you are already happy with your first two throws, you can attempt a very risky one for last.
If only the best throw counts, you could repeat the combo every time.

Hroch should confirm all these as I imagine he is in charge of the rules.


I'm working to be at Bratislava too. I hope to have ready the new top ;-)



ta0: I'm not sure if some ITSA prize convince yoyo players to compete so it is up to ITSA. Jan told me that he might refresh spintop skills.

I'm actually not in charge of the rules but I've asked organizers and I think that all 3 combos counts.

MyYo: Looking forward to see you and to see new top!  :)

Attila: You pay registration fee in Bratislava  ;)


ITSA and Strummol8 will be offering prizes to the FIRST FIVE competitors at the European spintop contest!
The prizes will be Giulias or STB2.5 !!!
That is right, compete at EYYC17, place among the first five places, and you will go home with a brand new S8 top!
We do expect the competitors to become ITSA members but I don't know if we will require it.

ITSA is buying them at or below cost, so thanks a lot to Strummol8 and Maurizio!!!

PS: I don't know if these prizes can be announced officially during the competition as S8 is probably not an official sponsor of EYYC. But Maurizio will be there to hand the tops to the winners.


It's great news!! I'm talking to organizers about that so I hope they'll mention it somewhere. ITSA created EYYC17 spintop event on FB so it should be mentioned also there  :)


Here's link for live stream:

Spintop division is on Saturday at 3 PM, awards ceremony at 7.30 PM, GMT+1.
Complete schedule here: http://eyyc17.com/about/schedule/

We have 6 competitors (http://eyyc17.com/contest/registered-contestants/#tableid9), which is pretty good. And as you probably know, we use the new rules for 3 throws.


Argh, I missed it!  >:( That was 8AM here.

I hope everybody did great!

The awards will be at 12:30 here (CT). But the live stream is now offline.


Isn't it on saturday 3pm? Don't tell me I missed it :D

jim in paris

Hi all
I couldn't watch the streaming today

how did it go ?

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"