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Hiya Kids!

Started by SpinQueen, September 16, 2016, 11:31:21 AM

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Long time no talkie.  Had a hard time remembering my login and passwords actually.

Lots of changes in my life since the last time I visited but I'm still at the school and there has been a recent resurgence of spin-top interest with kids in grades K-8th, so I'm trying to take advantage of this and get the kids working on the Spintastics (8-patch) trick list asap.  We had such a great experience with this in the past and it's such a self esteem builder as well as a great way to focus their energy into something positive.  Plus, who doesn't love a good battle top contest.  The kids get so excited when I break out the snow disc arena and start chanting "Chump Chump Chump" and "Mama"nator the Dominator".  (For those of you who don't know me, my nickname at the school, where I have long worked, is "Mama".)   I'm happy to report that this 53 year old lady (with serious PMR arthritis) can still wipe out the tops with her overhand throw ;-).   

Anyway, I would love it if some of my old friends (and new one's) could catch me up on tops that work well on a play yard (no grass) and tricks (skip the advanced tricks for now) that I can pass on to my kids.

Much Thanks!


Hi Catherine!
Great to have you back! And all your (new) kids!  :) :) :)

You should check out the Short Circuit by YoYoFactory. Available for $6 at and

Many of new tricks. Mostly advanced ::)  but not all. Check out the Brazilian Bowtie:,4017.msg41687.html#msg41687


welcome back ancient one @-@


My life is complete now. Spinqueen is POSTING. Let's all get together again and throw ROSSIE.


Spin Queen!  Yay! 

New beginner or even intermediate tricks are pretty rare it seems.  Daniel and Jakub have a really cool Trick of the Week thread, it may inspire you. Jack has tricks all over the place.,4172.0.html

The YYF Elec-Trick is a good beginner bearing tip also.

Are you and the kiddies in need of string? hmm?


Quote from: Neff on September 16, 2016, 06:20:10 PM
Are you and the kiddies in need of sting? hmm?

Quote from: Jack on September 16, 2016, 01:56:14 PM
welcome back ancient one @-@
Welcome back Spin Queen! It is good to have some youngsters back in the mix :)


the Earl of Whirl

I am confused.  I used to know a certain person named SpinQueen.  Sadly, though, she fell off the face of the earth.  I figured she was hanging out with Amelia Earhart or Gilligan on some remote deserted island. Maybe even Matt Ritter is on that same island?

So, who are you and how did you get her account and password.

Whoever you are, I am glad you are interested in top spinning.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!

Dick Stohr

Welcome back, glad you are with us again!!!!!!!!
Practice hard and play safe.


Cecil: That was a fantastic impromptu meeting when Gus visited the Bay Area: I wish I had been there. Great group of players! I still need to meet Herman, your grandson and you in person. Perhaps if next year's US nats is in SF?

Quote from: the Earl of Whirl on September 17, 2016, 12:36:37 AM
I am confused.  I used to know a certain person named SpinQueen.  Sadly, though, she fell off the face of the earth.  I figured she was hanging out with Amelia Earhart or Gilligan on some remote deserted island.

Perhaps she was just released from an "institution":
