Jack's "Grade "EH" String" (now dead thx to photobucket)

Started by Jack, July 14, 2016, 04:42:02 PM

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oh this might be a thing here eh @-@
2 points on your drivers license if you know what madness jack is stricken with @-@


Jack's makin' a string maker?

Dick Stohr

I think so too, can't wait to see it in action!
Practice hard and play safe.


it is time partay gentlemen @-@
longtime dream achieved.
much respect and koodos to master neff for sharing his spintop string production wisdom @-@


it came out awesome and works like a charm if charms were to make tops perform like bosses @-@
next time im gonna try to get an infinitesimaly but tighter not that its too loose per say but this being the first time around i aired on the side of not snapping the strings but my dudes........my dudes jack is a happy cookie a happy happy cookie  ;D and now when i make videos of tricks you might finally be able to seeeeeeee the string lol!!! that was a bit of an annoyance to me when id go record then come back in only to find out the string was near invisible  >:(

let us enjoy the following video in celebration..........



I first thought the device was meant to catch Pokemon by tangling them on string  :P. But I see that you got stupendous results. I look forward to seen the machine in action!


Jack. My wife and I absolutely busted up watching your video there.
The string looks top notch.
And you like Siouxsie! You have just maxed out on the Chris Neff approval scale.


 ;D ;D,Good work¡¡ to be able to use the own ropes it is a great satisfaction.


Quote from: ta0 on July 14, 2016, 07:56:50 PM
I first thought the device was meant to catch Pokemon by tangling them on string  :P. But I see that you got stupendous results. I look forward to seen the machine in action!

thank you sir  8) i shall hopefully post a video soon showing how it works  ;)

Quote from: Neff on July 14, 2016, 10:50:15 PM
Jack. My wife and I absolutely busted up watching your video there.
The string looks top notch.
And you like Siouxsie! You have just maxed out on the Chris Neff approval scale.

thank you very much sir!!! im honoured about maxing out your scales sir   :o

Quote from: trompillo on July 15, 2016, 02:37:22 AM
;D ;D,Good work¡¡ to be able to use the own ropes it is a great satisfaction.

muchos gracias!!! indeed it is most excellent playing with a string youve made yourself @-@


made another 25ft tday @-@
its taking me about 45 minutes per 15 foot.........it is slightly tedious but my results from tday are delicious cookie goodness with just the right amount of tasty proper tight tension on the wraps @-@




Dear Jack,

AC-CORDING to most of us on this THREAD, you are a top TOP KNOT-CH string maker!



Quote from: 113 on July 16, 2016, 10:04:27 PM
Dear Jack,

AC-CORDING to most of us on this THREAD, you are a top TOP KNOT-CH string maker!


lol thanks  ;D


Quote from: cecil on July 15, 2016, 07:20:09 PM

I sang this song and the ninth coat of spray gave me the Afro Shine.
