
Started by Jack, May 03, 2016, 09:25:12 AM

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Great timing Jack! I just ordered the Short Circuit and both Elec-Trick style tops not more than 90 minutes ago.  :D Now I wish I had gotten faster shipping! Takeshi doin' freestyle. 8) Thanks for posting this.


That is vintage Takeshi! Very nice!

PS: I added Instagram support to the forum. I hope it works.


I gotta say, for such low-priced tops, these YYF Energia tops really perform much better than I expected once in my hands. The promo videos looked fantastic. Nice to see Takeshi using them now as well! Wish I could do what he's doing!
Chris Pickett, owner of Studio42 - Live Sound Production
http://www.studio42.com - Official Sound Production for CalStates  & BAC 2012-2017 and BEYOND!
Sound Provider for US National YoYoContest 2016
Cell/Text: 916-601-7089


Quote from: lincolnrick on May 03, 2016, 11:09:58 AM
Great timing Jack! I just ordered the Short Circuit and both Elec-Trick style tops not more than 90 minutes ago.  :D Now I wish I had gotten faster shipping! Takeshi doin' freestyle. 8) Thanks for posting this.

mmm indeed ive got mine ordered too mmmm i cant wait  ;D