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TROMPO commercial IMAGES restaurant

Started by jim in paris, February 07, 2016, 01:01:42 AM

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jim in paris

form mexico

a restaurant
a discount poster

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


Quote from: jim in paris on February 07, 2016, 01:01:42 AM
form mexico

a restaurant
a discount poster


i feel i would only go there for the place and not the food i feel  :P


Quote from: Jack on February 07, 2016, 05:29:09 AM
i feel i would only go there for the place and not the food i feel  :P
Actually, the menu looks tempting:

It is a chain with close to 20 locations, but all seem to be in Merida or other cities in Yucatan.



hola que tal quiero compartirles una estrella mas de mexico en los trompos en la ciudad de merida yucatán existe  una cadena restaurantes llamada los Trompos Fundada en julio de 1996 por don Guillermo Mendicuti   les cuento un poco en mi pais  méxico existe un tipo de comida mu famosa   ""los tacos""  es carne en medio de una  tortilla con sus complementos salsa  cebolla y cilantro pero  hay un guizado en especial que se llama  al pastor  y lo hacen con carne de cerdo condimentada con axiote un condimento tipico de la region yucateca son carne en filete  apilada en forma de un trompo   entonces es  muy comun en méxcio que te digan  vamos a comer tacos de trompo  o te invito a comer tacos de trompo (al pastor) es por eso que este restaurante se llama los trompos cuenta con 17 sucursales  en la ciudad de merida yucatán y el motivo de invitarlo al foro fue por el sig año me invito a que  sea la imagen de el restaurante haciendo demostraciones de trompo en  sus  distintas sucursales  y tambien tienen  ellos un paquete como la cajita feliz de macdonals  donde regalan un juguete con el platillo infantil y durante todo el año sera un trompo de la marca titan  el que se regalara en dicha cajita pienso hacer una muy buena campaña  y de ahi  ver que tantos  jugadores profesionales podemos crear  para que  asistan  a los mundiales por que tambien el restaurante y yo haremos una campaña en pro de el fomento a la disciplina de juego tradiconal llamada trompo y si resulta el restaurante  me apoyara con boletos para para estos  jugadores  asistan a los mundiales   ojala  se logre  todo  mi objetivo del año 2017 les dejo unas fotos para que lo vayan conociendo   saludos a todos  y un abrazo trompero desde cancun mexico   

hello just I want to share a star over Mexico in the spinning tops in the city of Merida there is a restaurant chain called the Trompos Founded in July 1996 by Don Guillermo Mendicuti tell them a little in my country Mexico there is a kind of food mu famous "" tacos "" is meat in the middle of a tortilla with salsa complements onion and parsley but a preparation especially called to pastor and do with pork seasoned with achiote a typical condiment of the Yucatan region are meat in stacked steak in the form of a spin then it is very common in Méxcio you say you're going to eat tacos spin or invite you to eat tacos spin (the pastor) is why this restaurant is called the trompos has 17 branches in city ??Yucatan merida and the reason for inviting him was for the Next year I invite you to be the image of the restaurant doing demonstrations of spinning top in its various branches and also they have a package like the happy Meal macdonals where they give a toy child and year-round dish will be a top brand titan which will be given away in that box I think HACRE a very good campaign and there to see so many professional players can creear to attend world that also the restaurant and I will make a campaign for promoting the discipline of tradiconal game called dreidel and if it is the restaurant support me with tickets for these players attend global hopefully my goal of 2017 is achieved leave some photos to it they get to know greetings to all and a hug  trompero from mexico cancun  ::) ::) ::) ::)





mas fotos
y les presento el platillo tal como se sirve   

more photos
and I present the dish as served



Congratulations! A Titan top in every "happy meal" box is great. And better still if they sponsor players in the future!

Tacos al Pastor: makes me hungry!


les presento el poster de lo que hicimos en 2012   nos patrocinaron  y fuimos la imagen de 2012   en esos entonces era yo director comercial  de  la marca extreme

I present the poster of what we did in 2012 and went sponsored us the image of 2012 in those time was commercial director of the extreme brand



A meat spin top! At Los Trompos you are assured of getting a balanced meal.


I LOVE it. Now this is a restruant I would definitely go to. Thanks for sharing.


aca los videos de una de las demostraciones de  el año 2012 para el restaurante

here videos of the demonstrations for restaurants of 2012



mas fotos de 2012 merida  restaurante los trompos

more photos 2012 merida Restaurant spinning tops