Miguelanchelo´s Patch

Started by miguelanchelo, August 27, 2015, 03:30:19 PM

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After a long work here is my patch , all the tricks I've done with a top -edge fixed , but some tricks like the whips can be done with roller tip well.
The name of the tricks in the video , but if you have any questions do not hesitate to post to solve it.
You can make Tipoo of circuit that you like . (A / B )
I think some tricks are harder than others.
I hope you like make the patch.
The two minutes of regenerations are optional tricks :) .
As always say your opinions, thank you very much .I would like to design the parche¿que program I can use?


i didnt even know it was possible to do elevator in the middle of barrel rolls @-@
first patch that i am totally convinced i will never achieve  ;D lol



Quote from: miguelanchelo on August 27, 2015, 04:42:30 PM
noo, I know you can do

thank you sir, i will do my best to learn your tricks  ;)


Wow!  ¡Impresionante la lista de trucos!  :o

That is a very challenging and original patch! Those are really difficult tricks, but they will serve as motivation to get better.
When I have time I will make a list of the tricks so we can discussed them and have good descriptions.

You have become a really advanced player!  8)  I look forward to the next European contest: finally the Czech Republic will have competition! It was time for Spain to be represented!  :)

Quote from: Jack on August 27, 2015, 03:45:38 PM
i didnt even know it was possible to do elevator in the middle of barrel rolls @-@
That is a Gus trick. He describes it and some variations on one of the videos I uploaded from my visit to Mexico. I never tried it, but I guess I now have to learn it  ;)

PS: Escríbele a Trompillo. Probablemente te pueda diseñar un gran parche.


Here is the list. I am writing the descriptions in English and Spanish so you can correct them without confusion.

1. "Mach 4" Fixed tip.
Mach 5 done with a fixed tip. Four turns required (?)
Mach 5 hecho con punta fija. Cuatro vueltas requeridas (?)

2. "Circuit x 4" (A)
Wirewalker (racetrack/circuit) back and forth between hands, 2 rounds (4 segments)
Puente entre manos, dos circuitos (4 segmentos)

3. "Double Staircase to Heaven"
Staircase to Heaven with two wraps going up on the launching hand.
Escalera al cielo con dos vueltas subiendo en la mano que lo lanza.

4. "Mickey Charges"
Three wrap corkscrew. Open last loop with index finger of opposite hand. Tops corkscrews and it wire walks around finger. End with blizzard between arms.
Sacacorcho con tres vueltas. Abrir la última vuelta con el dedo índice de la otra mano. El trompo baja el sacacorcho y camina alrededor del dedo. Terminar con un "blizzard" entre los brazos.

5. "New Circuit" (B)
Similar to 2 but we need a closeup of the setup.
Similar al 2 pero necesitamos un acercamiento para diferenciarlos.

6. "Atoms with Elevator"
From a barrel roll mount, wrap the tip and go into an elevator. (Overshoot and let fall. Take to hand with a barrel roll movement).
De un átomo, enrollar la punta para que suba como en el elevador. (Pasarse y dejar caer. Llevar a la mano con un movimiento de átomo).

7. "Combination with Whip"
Around-the-arm. Place into position for second around-the-arm but land on trapeze (?). One handed trapeze. Iron whip.
Alrededor-del-brazo. Colocar brazos en posición para segundo alrededor-del-brazo pero en su lugar hacer un trapecio (?). Trapecio con solo una mano. Látigo.

8. "Matt's Whip"
Set lasso on one hand and top on trapeze mount on the other. Do (underhand) whip with two turns (cool whip).
Colocar un lazo en una mano y el trompo en trapecio en la otra. Hacer un látigo desde abajo con doble vuelta.

9."Suicide Whip"
High whip.
Látigo alto.

0. "Two minute regeneration"

10. "Loop with Back" (Pirouette Lasso)
Pirouette from roller coaster.
Pirueta desde lazadas.

11. "Hand Whip" (finger grind to whip)
Grind on fingers of non-dominant hand and whip with full string.
"Grind" en los dedos de la mano no dominante y un látigo con la cuerda entera.

12. "Behind Cane" (BB to front Sun)
With the top behind the back, do a sun to the front between the legs and lasso top.
Con el trompo detrás, hacer un bastón hacia delante entre las piernas y una lazada.

If I understand correctly, the regens run is not required. Only one circuit ([2] or [5]) is required.
That makes the patch 10 11 tricks long.

Por favor, Miguelangelo, dime de cualquier error. Y creo que necesitamos acercamientos de los circuitos para ver las diferencias.


I tal, magnífico  Tu trabajoEXCELENTE.
Todo esta correcto,los circuitos los subo en cuanto pueda para que los veáis mejor.


I finally completed Migelanchelo's patch! Not perfect but we will see if it is approved.
I thought that I had finished when I found a last trick on the video that I had not included on the original list and nobody had pointed out (not even Miguelanchelo!). It is now corrected. I also numbered as 0 the two-minute regeneration as I don't think it should be on a patch except by itself. As it is currently, it asks for 11 tricks. But I think we should have as a rule that not more than 8 should be required for the patch. The rest of the tricks could be alternate tricks or for a black belt, etc.

Here it is:


Happy International Top Spinning Day!

Jeremy McCreary

You make it look so easy, but the control is astounding.
Art is how we decorate space, music is how we decorate time ... and with spinning tops, we decorate both.
—after Jean-Michel Basquiat, 1960-1988

Everything in the world is strange and marvelous to well-open eyes.
—Jose Ortega y Gasset, 1883-1955


Quote from: Jeremy McCreary on October 12, 2016, 01:58:09 PM
You make it look so easy, but the control is astounding.
If it looks easy it is misleading. This was a hard patch. It was very difficult to keep the top spinning long enough with all the friction in some of the tricks on the first half. I tried different tops for different tricks, even different strings.

PS: I re-uploaded the video because of a spelling mistake in the title  :-[
Cecil: I only then did I see the notification of your nice comments on the first video, after I erased it. Sorry!


well...........time to get to work boys @-@


Quote from: Jack on October 13, 2016, 12:11:03 AM
well...........time to get to work boys @-@

The "Circuit x 4" I do is different from Miguelanchelo's, but I hope it is acceptable. He goes around the wrists/arms (kind of like a corkscrew). But I wanted to extend Gerardo's 3-legged circuit by adding a 4th leg.


While we wait for Miguelanchelo to come by the forum and approve or disapprove my video, here is a possible patch I designed for the award:

By the way, nobody commented on the weird arms on the video title. I should have erased a few tendons when I modified Michaelangelo's painting . . . :P


Quote from: ta0 on October 18, 2016, 08:01:05 AM

By the way, nobody commented on the weird arms on the video title. I should have erased a few tendons when I modified Michaelangelo's painting . . . :P

i still cant see the problem  :P


Quote from: Jack on October 18, 2016, 07:28:16 PM
Quote from: ta0 on October 18, 2016, 08:01:05 AM

By the way, nobody commented on the weird arms on the video title. I should have erased a few tendons when I modified Michaelangelo's painting . . . :P

i still cant see the problem  :P
