2015 Nationals (Chico )

Started by yollector, June 27, 2015, 04:44:51 PM

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For the 1st time in 22 years
The National yoyo & top contest
Will NOT be held in Chico  :-[  :-[
Richy from Chico

the Earl of Whirl

What?  I have not heard anything about this.  Do you have any more details?
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!



jim in paris

hello everybody
i have read the whole article : i don't like the tone of it but well ....it seems to be put forward by the National yoyo league and following a process within the players
so be it !
Redondo beach seems familiar to me ; I was there in 77 and saw for the first time a guy jumping over a shopping cart while skateboarding

Richie : will you be doing the ride ? ;) ;)

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


The tone of the article is just frustration that it took this long, and excitement that it is moving. The contest -long- outgrew Chico and in order for it to continue successfully it had to move to a larger and more accessible location.

Hope to see everybody there!



i have to say i dont like it when things break tradition  >:(


I wonder what this means for tops.


My reply To Jim ::::::::::::::::::
   My ride has ended . No LA for me.
As for a top contest, as most of you know the
top contest in Chico has been getting smaller
every year ( sad ) I think last year there were only
3 players in the freestyle contest. you guys will have
to ask Thad , Tyler , or someone to see if tops will be
on the venue. It would be a shame to see it go away after
2 decades of the National top contest .
At least this year I don't have to make a Trophy for the Battle top
contest ( I guess that makes me happy )
   Richy from Chico


I'm being requested to participate in production aspects for US National YoYo Contest, so I am in contact with people in charge. I'm dealing with some logistics issues at the moment that are taking priority(what do I need to bring, how do I get there...).

I will see if tops are going to be supported. I can't promise quick answers. I am assuming "yes" though.

I think based on seeing items selling out at YoYoExpert and YoYoSam, there's a slight rise in interest in tops at the moment. I don't know how this will equate to players willing to compete though. It could just be people looking for something different and kendama isn't really doing it for them. For me, a few cool videos really caught my attention in regards to spin tops. If it wasn't for getting a lot of cuts on certain parts of my hands and hand to let that heal, I had to take a break from yoyo and that forced me to finally try to use the various small number of spin tops I had acquired. I was also debating on participating in the sports ladder at this Nationals, but with my hands tied into contest production, I won't have much time.

Also, aren't there a fair number of people with tops in the SoCal area? The contest move might make it more attractive to them to compete.
Chris Pickett, owner of Studio42 - Live Sound Production
http://www.studio42.com - Official Sound Production for CalStates  & BAC 2012-2017 and BEYOND!
Sound Provider for US National YoYoContest 2016
Cell/Text: 916-601-7089


Wow! I come back from a week of vacation in which I almost did not touch the internet and the first thing I read when I come to the forum is this news! Well, although I had heard some talk about moving nats in years past, this is a shock to me.
Last year I could not make it to Chico and the top competition was almost canceled due to lack of competitors. I think the difficulty of getting to Chico was part of it so the change to LA may help. However, in Chico we had a very good setup, with our own stage. I am afraid that if Redondo Beach is a one day affair, there might not have enough stage time for tops . . . This is something we will have to figure out with the organizers. If they cannot host us, we will have to organize our own contest somewhere else.

PS: I need to read and answer to the postings I missed last week (thanks to everyone who kept the forum going). I have some news about top spinning in Antarctica! But I also have a backlog of work emails I need to answer, so it may take me a day to catch up.

the Earl of Whirl

Glad you are back from your travels.  Hope you had a good vacation.  Sorry you had to come back to this news.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


As of this morning, Thad mentioned spin tops being held on Saturday morning at the same location as prelims. It sounds like it would be done at around the same time as the sport ladder, before we move to the finals venue in the afternoon.



I still need to write to Thad, but Richy asked him and was told that:
Quote. . . there is a nice room and time for tops if there is enough interest. . . As before the top guys will run the contest and Thad will do whatever he can do to try to help.
This is good news!


I am glad I got to compete at Freestyle tops last year. (I think there were 6 of us that competed by the way) Chico will always remain a very special place for me.

I hope that this moves brings bigger and better things. (especially the better part, because Chico is hard to beat in my eyes)

Looking forward to learning more about the event.



I'd rather go to Chico than southern California...

Erratic Wobbler


While I do have a nostalgic fondness for Chico, it was too short (1 day), too long a drive from any airport, and so little change for 22 years.  There is an interview with Bob in a local Chico paper that explains alot, but of course you all know that because you follow Steve Brown on Facebook OH WAIT.
