the master from bogota!!!!!!

Started by Jack, May 26, 2015, 02:26:09 PM

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Very good!
We had encountered Luis Celis a few years ago: link, as well as Andres Celis (brothers?). I am glad that he is still going strong.

You can tell from his tricks that he is also a yo-yo player. There are new moves there that would be nice to include in a freestyle. In fact some of the moves remind me Tyler's style.

jim in paris

very good vid

a Colombian playing Mexican style with a modern spin-top !!
we are T HE WORLD ;;; ;)
"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


Saw this posted on - awesome video!

I definitely see the yoyo influence here - that first trick uses a mount similar to double or nothing, the second one incorporates a chopsticks style mount (see the awesome catch at 1:08).  How about that hook at 2:14? WOW! Trick 5 has some crazy looking string manipulation. The whole video is amazing - this makes me want to work on my boomerang some more!

I knew I had heard the name somewhere - here are the Celis brothers performing some yoyo tricks if anyone is interested:



Looking for videos with the spintop double or nothing trick, I encountered again Luis' video above. I had forgotten how many amazing tricks he has there. In general I'm not too much of a fan of converting yo-yo tricks to spintop tricks, but he does it in a natural way and I have to confess I'm very impressed with the result.

The reason I was looking for that trick, was because I wanted to post this video by daveid that he starts with a trick that has a general resemblance to double or nothing, but it's definitely different.

I like that the top starts the swing vertical.

For completeness, here is Jakub (or is it Daniel?) doing a straight double or nothing:

By the way, on my first worlds in 2004, there were compulsories to pass to the finals. One of the tricks was Atom Smasher, transferred from yo-yos. More than one player complained and was removed the next year. I remember that I had a YYJ with a modded extended tip to do that trick  ;)


Quote from: ta0 on March 27, 2021, 12:15:34 AM
By the way, on my first worlds in 2004, there were compulsories to pass to the finals. One of the tricks was Atom Smasher, transferred from yo-yos. More than one player complained and was removed the next year. I remember that I had a YYJ with a modded extended tip to do that trick  ;)
That would be horrible to have to do atom smasher! I find it hard to do even with a large tip and a thin string! (With a yoyo it's easy.  ;) )