World's 2016 in the US

Started by the Earl of Whirl, January 19, 2015, 02:57:54 PM

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the Earl of Whirl

I am not trying to take any emphasis away from the world championships this summer in Tokyo.  Yet, I am getting some inquiries into my 2016 schedule and I kind of hoped to have space to attend.  Has anyone heard any inside scoops about time and possible location?
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


i cross  my fingers for toronto however unlikely  ::)

the Earl of Whirl

Toronto would be fun.  I think Miamisburg, also, would enjoy hosting Worlds but that is far less likely than T.O.  I, too, will keep my fingers crossed!!!
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


Quote from: the Earl of Whirl on January 19, 2015, 07:21:17 PM
Toronto would be fun.  I think Miamisburg, also, would enjoy hosting Worlds but that is far less likely than T.O.  I, too, will keep my fingers crossed!!!

well then ill cross my fingers of one hand for toronto and ill cross my fingers on the other for miamisburg because ur right that would be a fitting place to have it (at least for top spinners lol  ::)) )


With a contest on the move, really, it's best to announce locations 2 years in advance.

I'm trying to get the ball rolling on the CalStates yoyo contest at the moment, but that also gets me access to what may be going on with Worlds. The honest answer is that at the moment, no city has been chosen yet. They were all up and quick to get Prague and Tokyo, but they kinda dropped the ball after that. There's still loads of time to get this done for this kind of an event.

If I know and can share, I will. But, the official word is "no decision" at the moment. That I can share.
Chris Pickett, owner of Studio42 - Live Sound Production - Official Sound Production for CalStates  & BAC 2012-2017 and BEYOND!
Sound Provider for US National YoYoContest 2016
Cell/Text: 916-601-7089

the Earl of Whirl

This is something else I am getting anxious about.  Two more months have passed and I am trying to keep working on my schedule.  If they do not have a place, do they have a general time frame?  Are they looking at early August again?
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


I wouldn't be surprised if we don't know when and where in the US the 2016 World Yo-Yo contest will take place until close to this year's contest.
But, although I expect the 2016 World Spintop Contest to be held together with the yo-yo contest, that is not a certainty.

First, we need to be invited to join. If the only non-Japanese competitors in Tokyo are Val and me, for example, they may think there is not enough interest by players. And the venue might have less time available than at the Rosen hotel to accommodate us (the Mall of the America in Bloomington, MN, was mentioned as an option at one time if Greg did not organize it).

Secondly, the decision of where the spintop contest will take place will be decided by the International Board of the ITSA. It could take place with the Miamisburg or Kansas City festivals. It might not even be in the US. It could be in Mexico or Colombia. In an emergency, it could take place in a small city in the Czech Republic, where we would certainly have a great competition (we could judge it remotely if necessarily).

I just wanted to mention the different possibilities, but my money is on Orlando in early August at a hotel with the name starting with an R.   ;)

jim in paris

hi all
thanx for reviving the post
the decision of where the spintop contest will take place , will be decided by the International Board of the ITSA: representing  countries and people of the five continents
at least that's our goal ;)
it might be a no-return shift : I personally feel that together with a precise book of requirements to organize the world contest(accomodation,stage,sound , catering,travel etc..)it's where the players and the children are which will make a difference

Rosen or not Rosen it's no longer the point

jim (itsa chairman for the coming year)

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


whole bussiness scares me, feels too deep

Quote from: jim in paris on March 25, 2015, 11:26:18 AM

Rosen or not Rosen it's no longer the point

jim (itsa chairman for the coming year)

fearless itsa chairman jim is fearless...................


Quote from: ta0 on March 25, 2015, 10:04:55 AM
If the only non-Japanese competitors in Tokyo are Val and me, for example, they may think there is not enough interest by players.

I can't imagine you two would be the only non-Japanese competitors.  Just in case, I'll start practicing :)

the Earl of Whirl

What!?!  robtsou, are you saying you are going to Tokyo?
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


Quote from: robtsou on March 25, 2015, 11:43:33 PM
I can't imagine you two would be the only non-Japanese competitors.  Just in case, I'll start practicing :)

Are you coming? That would be fantastic!

Right now, I don't have any other competitor confirmed (even Val, all I know is that she is coming to worlds, not that she is competing). From Cometa I hear they are not coming  :( But I am hopeful somebody else will crawl from under the rocks and try to be crowned World Spintop Champion in Tokyo, Japan. Sounds like a lifetime opportunity to me. And you can do it by beating old ta0 (maybe)  ;)


I am happy to say that yes, I will be in Tokyo for the World YoYo Contest this year.  I feel my odds of beating anyone at spintop are pretty slim but I'll be there!


Rob, that is so cool, I'm excited for you!
To everything turn, turn, turn..................


If Rob's going now I -have- to go.. I was actually checking rates/etc when I came across this thread.

As for the yoyo world contest 2016..

The last information I had was that Greg gets first chance at it when it's back in the US. If he passes on it, it opens up to other options.. at the moment the most likely would be Steve/Andre taking it over here, debatable if that's a good thing or not and there are still other possibilities. If Greg wants it, it'd be up to him where it is held.. not sure if he wants it back in Orlando or not, he was already considering getting it out of the Rosen for a number of reasons. I haven't talked to him in the last few months, I don't know if any decision has been made on it.



There is a discussion on the yoyoexpert yo-yo board about the location of the 2016 world yo-yo contest: Worlds 2016. Nothing has been decided yet, but you will be happy, Mike, that Steve Brown prepared a proposal for Cleveland as the site  ;)

But, will the world spintop contest take place together with the world yo-yo contest next year? Probably, but it is not a sure thing. Right now there is the risk that the spintop freestyles in Tokyo are canceled because of lack of international players registering  :'(


Quote from: ta0 on July 06, 2015, 10:06:53 AM
Right now there is the risk that the spintop freestyles in Tokyo are canceled because of lack of international players registering  :'(

my heart fell  :-[

jim in paris


the  future board of ITSA are working hard on the topic ;D >:(
we have planned solutions to make up for the lack of international competitors:

more info to come......... :-X


"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"

the Earl of Whirl

"Lack of international players?"  That never seemed to be a factor in the championships held in the US!  If there are a lot of Japanese players, this is their time to shine.  I hope we can get other countries represented in Tokyo but we can't talk about not having the championship.

The discussion on the yoyoexpert board is interesting.  It sounds like Steve Brown is really serious about his Cleveland proposal.  Hope it pans out because I think he and his crew would do a good job.  I am not excited about Cleveland because it would be in my state (as many on that thread discussion are).  Actually, it is not much farther for me to go to Chicago or Pittsburgh or St. Louis.  To be honest, I am willing to go to Orlando again, if I can work it out time wise.

Anyway, thanks for the info for 2016.  I need it to keep me focused on my spinning efforts.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!