Stu Crump has died.

Started by Dick Stohr, January 01, 2015, 05:26:55 PM

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Dick Stohr

 :(  I am so sorry to report that after more than 20 years of illness Stu Crump (Professor Yo) passed yesterday. His daughter Jodi called to let me know that there will be a memorial service this Saturday, I will attend to represent you guys from out of town. This is a good place to share stories that I can share at the memorial.

As a new demonstrator doing the Yo-Yo Fun & Science of Spin presentation I was hired for a Cub Scout Blue & Gold. As I was setting up Stu said Hi and why did they not hire him. I told him that I did not know and class guy that he was he told me later what a great job I did and never brought it up again.

We played together many times and tried to start clubs but they did not last long, lack of interest.

He gave me his axtra copies of his newsletter "YO-YO TIMES" and the magazine "YO-YO WORLD". Yo-Yo Expert sold some of the magazines, I have more of both if anyone is interested.
Practice hard and play safe.

the Earl of Whirl

I am sorry to see this information about Stu Crump's death.  I have heard from a number of people about this man.  I wish I could have gotten to know him. 

So sorry he was ill for 20 years!
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


I never met him, but I read a couple of issues of his yo-yo newsletters. I remember that his daughter Jodi made some posts on the old Button and String. I believe she was taking over some to the newsletter work and wanted information about spintop meetings to also include them.

As I understand it, he was critical in the pre-online era to keep the yo-yo community together.



Stu Crump was a great guy, and a tireless promoter of yo-yo's, and treated me wonderfully even if I was a top guy! ;-)  Somewhere in my collection is a big pile of his newsletters.  After I finished my "Little Book of Tops" for Running Press, they asked me to recommend  an author for a "Little Book of Yo-Yo's" and I told them Stuart was the man, and probably had the book already written - just needed to cut and paste from his newsletters!  I'm reminded of a quote something to the effect that when someone dies, it is like burning a great library!
Don Olney
1237 E. Main St.
Rochester, NY 14609


I forgot to mention that on Facebook, Stuart's daughter Jodi Beatty suggested that we all do some yo-yoing on Saturday at 2PM EST in his honor.

"If you have a yoyo and know where it is, feel free to do some yoyoing at 2pm EST with us as we celebrate our love for our dad, and his love of Life and yoyos."
Don Olney
1237 E. Main St.
Rochester, NY 14609


I met Stu at the Nationals many
years ago . He won one of the Museum
awards that year and was in shock when
he won . I have every copy of the yoyo
news that he made.
Very sad news .

the Earl of Whirl

Now that you mention it, I do remember seeing some of those newsletters.  They were, indeed, a labor of love.

I will have to dust off some yoyo's for Saturday at 2pm.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


Very sad news. Yo-yo Times was probably the main reason I became
really hooked with the yo-yo, skill toy hobby.
Thank you for sharing that news, Dick. I will be sure to throw some
on Saturday.

jim in paris

I never met Stu but his newsletter was like a dormer window on the yoyo world: my friend Sylvain from the kite club had met Tom Kuhn at a dentist convention in Calif, he used to be a subscriber to yoyo times and he would receive the yellow pages once in a while...each copy was read dozens of times, i even learnt a few tricks from the readers section

Rest in Peace , Professor YoYo !

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"

Dick Stohr

The Celebration service for Stu Crump was a wonderful way to send him off! A very nice service, his daughter and three sons had prepared remembrances and then the floor was open. Several folks talked about what he meant to them and how much fun it was to be around him. I used myself as an example of how much he impacted so many guys by keeping the community informed, (like we do now with the internet). His younger brothers spoke of how he was ahead of his time with several things. Like predicting the cell phone craze and other things way ahead of their time. "Why would anyone want a radio phone, there is a pay phone on every corner." It really was entertaining and uplifting. Then all four kids, Greg (Jodie's husband), Tom Connolly, and I got up and yo-yoed to the song that Stu wrote "It's Yo-Yo Time". The reception was down stairs where they had spread out pictures, yo-yos, newsletters, etc. and food, lots of fun, lots of stories. All in all a very good afternoon for a class guy who is know by so many, some very remotely.
Practice hard and play safe.

jim in paris

one more tribute to Stu Crump
in every copy of the YOYO Times , there used to be a column dedicated to the Smother Brothers ' shows with the calendar of gigs ...
here the famous yoyo man !

:D :D good vibes


"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"

Dick Stohr

Jim, Thank you for that clip, Tommy was mentioned several times yesterday. Because of Stu I was able to get tickets and backstage passes for Smothers Brothers shows at shows that they did in the DC area and a casino in Atlantic City NJ. They were much more fun backstage, teaching and swapping tricks than they were onstage. I am one of those that think of great lines after the fact. I should have ended my comments at the celebration for Stu's life with the following: "Because of Stu I had a 15 year career of playing with my toys and other peoples kids and got paid for it, what a guy!"
Practice hard and play safe.


There was a "memorial" demonstration in front of the Sacramento Memorial Auditorium on January 3rd. I was unable to attend because I was at the Convention Center(across the street and one block down, but same street) running sound for voice-actor panel at SacAnime. I was invited to attend, but could not because the "voice talent" decided to be difficult. One of my crew was able to attend and said it was a good meet-up, so that's good.

I was prepared. I had yoyos for all 5 styles with me as well as a bunch of spin tops and a diabolo with me. In Sacramento, this may become an annual event. Next year, if it happens again at the same time, it will conflict with SacAnime being in the Memorial Auditorium next year. I haven't decided if I will carry on as the sound provider for SacAnime.
Chris Pickett, owner of Studio42 - Live Sound Production - Official Sound Production for CalStates  & BAC 2012-2017 and BEYOND!
Sound Provider for US National YoYoContest 2016
Cell/Text: 916-601-7089

the Earl of Whirl

I happened to run across this thread while looking for something else.  I was moved again about this man and his life so I am posting this in case anyone else wants to read about some great history along with some great uplifting stories.  I never met him but miss him greatly.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!

the Earl of Whirl

I could start another thread about the death of one of the Smothers Brothers but this thread shows some of his impact on the whirled.  I am positive he threw tops but decided not to put it in any of his shows or skits.  He always seemed to have a lot of fun with his work and I greatly admired him.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!

Dick Stohr

I just could not resist. these were really FUN nights. He was a funny, great guy.

Practice hard and play safe.


Wow! You yoyoed with Tom himself! Nice photo and memory!

jim in paris

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"

the Earl of Whirl

The Grammys are on.  They are highlighting legends we have lost this past year.  Tommy Smothers image was just on the screen!!!
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!