"Jack's Journey-Grind"

Started by Jack, December 03, 2014, 02:51:16 AM

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so i came accross 2 variations over the weekend to finish a "journey-grind" in the hand, the problem is when i went to add the title caption to this variation i relized i dont know what its called and i dont want to step on anyones toes as it were by randomly calling it something and not taking the time to ask. so my question is: the last manouver in this video as the top grinds for the third time, where it curls above the hand correcting the preccession and ending vertical in the hand, whats the name of that manouver?



I would just call the full trick Journey-grind variation or Journey-grind-extended. I like it.


Quote from: ta0 on January 25, 2015, 09:24:38 PM
I would just call the full trick Journey-grind variation or Journey-grind-extended. I like it.

thank you very much ta0, that actually is one of 2 variations i found on friday night, the second variation (which i have filmed aswell and hopefully gonna post the vid of the 2 variations tnight in the original df cg thread) finishes with a the df curlgrind.


so i came accross 2 other ending variations for this trick over the weekend and figured it would be a practical idea to show them in use, they end in the palm instead of having to be caught with the string again making it a good ending to a freestyle if theres enough spin left, i hope the video is clear enough.
top used: QSH (fixed "C" tip)
