International Top Spinning Day

Started by ta0, October 08, 2014, 12:30:13 AM

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That picture of Jim,


I found an old video with Gus, and the gang. Hope this happens again.


Tomorrow is the second Wednesday of October, and that means it is INTERNATIONAL TOP SPINNING DAY!

Plan a spinning activity, take a photo and post it on this thread. If you want you can also send it to Judith Schulz at the Top Museum, in Burlington, Wisconsin.

jim in paris

thanx for reminding us the date

i'll get  a newspaper  and a top  sure!


"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"

the Earl of Whirl

Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!



OK. I'm in.  October 14th 2015.
Spoiler Alert!  I will soon post a video on the EASY way to do this trick.


sorry im late boys!!! ill explain the signifigance of this top in a thread later but for now happy international top spinning day to everyone!!!  ;)

edit: i forgot to mention this top arrived in the mail tday of all days!!!!!!! how auspicious!!!!!!!


Quote from: Kirk on October 14, 2015, 08:08:13 PM

Spoiler Alert!  I will soon post a video on the EASY way to do this trick.

common sense cookie kirk is a common sense cookie and i await his tutorial with much antisipation @-@ my way takes too much effort lol  ;D

the Earl of Whirl

For my International Top Spinning Day I grabbed a container full of finger spinners from Toysmith (revolving tops the container says) and headed out to celebrate with the whirled.  I did get a number of people to spin but not like the one year I had dozens of people from the cross country team spinning (this year they are on break and practicing when I have office hours).  The bad news was that I was slowed from my progress when I went to Chipotle.  The good news was that I saw my young friend Alan at Chipotle and we threw tops for nearly an hour!  He seemed fascinated with the little finger spinners and got to where he could keep a number of them going at a time.  I left ten for him to practice with.  I also happened to see an old Spintastics Trompo bearing in the car and gave that to him.  There are so few people willing to work on the boomerang to the hand but he kept at it.  I got a text later that night to say he finally hit one.  Maybe we have another good spinner in the works, here?  Sure hope so.

My final tally showed twenty people finger spinning and one boomeranging.  Good work, Alan!!!
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!

jim in paris

my 2 entries

hello judith


ps : i see you guys like the BRAZILIAN BOWTIE 8) 8)

PPS  please Jorge count the first photo for the contest
"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


Good photos, Jim! I need to update the photo contest thread with several photos from the last few months . . .

Jack: Nice pegtop!  I am guessing 40's or maybe earlier.

Mike: what a wonderful way of celebrating International Top Spinning day! I hope Alan gets the bug!

Kirk: I look forward to your setup. I also came up with one slight variation of Jack's, but it is still not the same as the Brazilian, which I haven't figured out.


An year has passed and tomorrow (2nd Wednesday of October) is International Top Spinning Day!  :)


Thanks for the clarification Ta0. A quick Google search puts Top Spinning day as the 14th, according to They correctly identify the originator of the holiday as the Burlington Spinning Top and Yo-Yo Museum, but that site fixes the date on the 14th, not the second Wednesday. I shall be participating of course.  :)

Jeremy McCreary

Mike anticipated by contribution for International Top Spinning Day...

These 4-piece, 6.6 g LEGO finger tops are among my all-time favorites. I have 40-50 of them now. With the fine tips (1.5 mm radius of curvature) shown in the video, these tops routinely turn in release speeds of 4,500-5,500 RPM and spin times of 60-75 sec by hand (with practice, of course). They love to sleep, seldom wobble, and walk very little on level surfaces. (The table in the video slopes ever so slightly toward the upper right corner). Ball tips (5 mm radius of curvature, not shown) reduce spin time and cause more wobbling and walking but turn them into fun little battle tops.

Tops are always my biggest attraction at LEGO shows. Visitors really enjoy helping me spin as many of them as we can at once. The group record is probably well over 30 tops at once. My individual record (on a much larger surface to minimize collisions) is 22 at once.

More about these tops at

Question: Still unclear. Is it officially the 2nd Wednesday or the 14th of October?
Art is how we decorate space, music is how we decorate time ... and with spinning tops, we decorate both.
—after Jean-Michel Basquiat, 1960-1988

Everything in the world is strange and marvelous to well-open eyes.
—Jose Ortega y Gasset, 1883-1955