The Guinness World Record for most people throwing a top

Started by ta0, November 06, 2009, 09:12:18 AM

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I exchanged some emails with Roy Campbell. He confirmed that: "We did set(establish) the Guinness record of 192 spinning tops spun simultaneously on 8/16/08. We received the official notice and certificate last November."

He added: "We hope to break that record next year in 2010 during the 50th anniversary celebration of Silver Dollar City. No date is set yet, but I'm looking at a Saturday in mid- August."

Roy is a top craftsman and performer who lives in Kimberling City, Missouri. His site is

the Earl of Whirl

Glad to hear they are going after it again.  He should join us on this forum.  Come to think of it, where are other top spinners like Stan Watson?
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!

Watts' Tops

Add a few others.  Don Winters, Dwight Pauson, Fred Mills.  Someone needs to get these guys signed up.
Watts' Tops
Prov. 3:5-6

the Earl of Whirl

I happened to be cruising around the internet and ran across this.  Did anything ever happen with another attempt?  I couldn't find anything!
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


I'll email him and also see if he wants to join the forum . . .  ;)

the Earl of Whirl

Thanks.  I am interested in the Silver Dollar top spinning activities!
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


This is the answer I got from Roy:

QuoteWe did not try to break our record last year as I hoped we might.  It was Silver Dollar City's 50 anniversary and things were kind of hectic with the PR group.  I retired this last March, so there was no attempt this year either.  Guess some else will have to carry on with that event.

Hey, Mike, are you thinking in organizing something like that? Sounds like it could be a good way of promoting the Miamisburg festival . . .

the Earl of Whirl

Roy retired!!!  Rats.  I really wanted to talk with him and see if we could get something going back and forth with fun challenges etc.

Getting 200 people together (actually 250 is what they had) would be really really really tricky.  We are getting closer here and might be able to get that number over a couple hour period but all at the same time!!!  I don't know.  That is a daunting task but it sure could add an air of excitement to our event.

Maybe we could try to just get 100 this year and then build up to a larger number?  With all the activity and everything at our festival we still don't come close to that number every year.

Thanks for getting that information, Jorge.  The Earl will have to think about this.  Maybe the Earl's kingdom will grow considerably in the next few months and we can start talking about bigger things like this?  Personally, I don't believe we have enough adult leaders right now to pull it off. 

Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


the Earl of Whirl

I ate lunch with the Uniquely Buechele!  We discussed a number of top matters.  The Guinness top spinning record was one of them.  We outlined how it could be done, but outlining is one thing and actually doing it are another.  It might be good for us to go for it and, even if we don't make it, we can call it the Ohio state record.......or maybe the best in the midwest........or maybe the best east of the Mississippi?  And then try to get more participants and do it again another year!

Mark your calendars for the last Saturday in August.  We could use everyone's help!

I believe we were counting on a plane load coming from SpinQueen's school.  A busload from Neff's club was also on the list.  I mentioned 10% of the Chicago population with Eric Wolff plus lots of Steeler fans in Mark Hayward's limousine.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


I think it is a great idea. It will give the festival a goal that will motivate people and help get the world out.
Man, I would like to be at a record breaking event like that!


Something about "Neff" and "busload" in the same sentance makes me laugh :)

the Earl of Whirl

Here is some late breaking news on the "most tops spinning" record.  I just found out the new president of the Miamisburg Historical Society is a member of our congregation.  This has been a very supportive group of our top spinning day!  He has a fairly sizeable group that could get behind the record.  The mayor is also a member of our church.  So are a couple of city council members.  I have good relations with the xc and track teams at the local high school.  Plus the regular support we get from local juggling groups, gym classes and our Roman Catholic friends.  It seems to me that the record is suddenly looking more and more possible. 
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


That is good news! But I still like the idea of a busload of Nelves  :D

the Earl of Whirl

I am still counting on a busload of Nelves and Nantas.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!