some gus vids :)

Started by Jack, July 26, 2014, 09:23:07 PM

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It is nice to have so many Gustavo videos in one place.  I have not seen the wire walker from ground to hand. It is very cool and harder than it looks.
I also love the helicopter from the ground with sound effects.


On face book I keep asking Gus, to make a video of the four inch Mahogany Trompo, going thirty feet in the air. Plus the whole show of what he can do with a big Trompo. Maybe some day.

the Earl of Whirl

Yes, that is a good collection.  Thanks for putting those here, Jack.  I look forward to watching them some more.

It was amusing to observe the racketball/wall ball players at the other end of the courts in several scenes and to see  them stop their game to watch the King.  I also enjoyed the little boy off to the side moving in rhythm to Gus's hackey top moves.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


Quote from: Jack on July 26, 2014, 09:23:07 PM
i hope im not out of line posting these without asking mr. castro, i figured since i came across these on youtube it would be ok  :P
The reason I asked permission was because I uploaded the video to my youtube account. You do not need permission just to put links to public videos.

Quote from: Kirk on July 26, 2014, 11:57:30 PM
I have not seen the wire walker from ground to hand. It is very cool and harder than it looks.
The trick is called Escalator (and in Mexico is called by the straight Spanish translation: Escaleras Eléctricas). There is a video on the Spintastics site with Dale doing it. I think it was Jon Gates who came up with that trick (in the US) in the early 2000's.

Quote from: the Earl of Whirl on July 27, 2014, 04:35:41 AM
It was amusing to observe the racketball/wall ball players at the other end of the courts in several scenes and to see  them stop their game to watch the King.
At least one of them was another Cometa demonstrator: Miguel Angel Chavez (dressed all in white).

On the 5th video at 1:17 he does the trick in which he throws the top on the ground sideways and waits for the top to roll back before catching it. I called it Fetch the Stick on the Over the Top video from 2004. It was nice to see it done as I had not done it myself since then and I wasn't aware that anybody did it. I have to ask him if he took it from there.

On the 6th video at 1:40 he does a trick I had not seen, like an self-whip: he places the loop across the arms and the top just falls into it.

I'll wait for somebody to start selling rubber tops before I try the head bounces . . . .

Long life to The King!


I think Gus, is the Best in the World. Can't Waite to see him again. I would love to live in Mexico City, for a few years making Trompos.