EYYC 2014 videos

Started by ta0, February 22, 2014, 09:51:13 PM

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Yes. The three of us are using fixed tip Giulias.
When mine rolled off the stage and onto the concrete below, I think it bounced almost 3 feet off the ground!
I would have used my STB2.0, but the Giulia is the safest bet for durability.

I agree that freestyles would be best for worlds.
The only advantage of this old method is to get more players to compete, and obviously that did not happen! :'(

We need to get more yoyoers interested in Spintops.
My idea is to make it another yoyo division.

1A= 1 handed string tricks
2A= 2 handed looping tricks
3A = 2 handed string tricks
4A= offstring tricks
5A= counterweight tricks
My new division:
6A= Spintop tricks "One sided" yoyo tricks.

What do you think? ???


Thank you all :)

Firstly, I think that it's not disturbing at all, if people on the stage are talking, when someone is showing his tricks. I have competed with this system quite a lot of times and only thing I remember, is that you barely know what's happening in front of you, you have no idea what are doing players behind. So this is not a problem I think. :) All players on stage is important part of this competing system, nothing bad. :)

Only Petr used OWB top. :)

I prefer to call this trick (short circuit + staircase to heaven), how I posted it here month ago, To hell and back :) but that's not important. :D And can I ask, what are hummingbirds? Never heard of them, I was just trying to make some original tricks. ;D

And I'm not sure about that 6A thing ;D it's an interesting idea, but 2A is yoyo division too and there is not so many players either, but top spinning is more interesting and it's a mystery for me, why not so many people play with tops.


Quote6A= Spintop tricks "One sided" yoyo tricks.
6A= Non-Return Yo-Yo Tricks  :-\   :P

Actually, tops suffer the same problem as 2A. They require a long term commitment to get really good a them.  On the other hand, because there are many fewer players competing than in 1A it is much easier to get the big titles, like US nats or Worlds (except, perhaps, for Czech nats  :D )  I have heard of no elite yo-yo player who has started at 20 years old or older.  I started to play with tops at 39.  But the main thing for me is that they are more fun, and also link to a longer and more universal tradition of top play worldwide.

Quote from: Hrosik on February 25, 2014, 10:47:26 AM
Thank you all :)

I prefer to call this trick (short circuit + staircase to heaven), how I posted it here month ago, To hell and back :) but that's not important. :D And can I ask, what are hummingbirds? Never heard of them, I was just trying to make some original tricks. ;D

And I'm not sure about that 6A thing ;D it's an interesting idea, but 2A is yoyo division too and there is not so many players either, but top spinning is more interesting and it's a mystery for me, why not so many people play with tops.

I am sorry about that, I forgot you had already named it and not long ago:-[  To Hell-and-Back is a great name, I love it!   By the way, were you planning to do a whip after that and you changed your mind?

I think the trick you do at 1:25 on the third round is what Salvador called Hummingbirds of Quetzálcoatl (Huitzime Quetzálcoatl).  Unfortunately, he deleted the youtube video.


Quote from: ta0 on February 25, 2014, 11:31:04 AM
I am sorry about that, I forgot you had already named it and not long ago:-[  To Hell-and-Back is a great name, I love it!   By the way, were you planning to do a whip after that and you changed your mind?

I think the trick you do at 1:25 on the third round is what Salvador called Hummingbirds of Quetzálcoatl (Huitzime Quetzálcoatl).  Unfortunately, he deleted the youtube video.

That's ok :) My brother told me to do that, but the top is spinning so slow after that trick, that it's too hard to do it on stage without enough training :D I'll practice it and maybe you'll see it on Worlds :)

Oh, you mean this one. I have seen this trick on some of Salvador's videos (my brother downloaded them), I'm not sure, but is it from some Big Bang series of videos (Parte III - Huitzime Quetzálcoatl)? These videos are big inspiration for me, quite a lot of tricks to learn.

the Earl of Whirl

Thanks for these fine videos.  I agree with everyone else when they talk about the great quality of top play.  Excellent work, guys.  Sure wish there were more competitors but there one could not ask for anything more from those on stage.

It is so cool to hear czyoyo give comments after spending time with him in Orlando at Worlds.  Hope all is going well with you now that you are back home in Europe!
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!

Dick Stohr

Spin Tops should not be a division of a yo-yo contest. Using any reference to yo-yos will limit our future. We can be a skill toy event at a yo-yo contest like diabolo or  kendama or several others. Yo-yos are well defined, spin tops are well defined (even though they go by different names in different countries). Let yo-yos use the
1A=one yo-yo (because it takes two hands but only one yo=yo)string tricks,
2A=two yo-yo looping tricks,
3A=two yo-yo string tricks,
4A=one yo-yo off string tricks,
5A= one yo-yo freehand tricks,
system because there has been talk of 9A=one yo-yo off string freehand and others as well. Think about it, why not?
We should not limit them or us! It will also make more sense when we get big enough to hold our own event.
Any body else?
Practice hard and play safe.


Dick, I completely agree with you.  The yo-yo proposal was made with tongue in cheek ("non-return yo-yo" as a play on the old name "return top".)  I don't think Tyler was serious either.  We were just lamenting the lack of interest from yo-yo players.


I agree that its not a very good idea! ;D
Truthfully, I am baffled by the fact that there are not more ST players. :-[

Dick Stohr

[Truthfully, I am baffled by the fact that there are not more ST players. :-[
I can think of a few reasons:
You can rewind a yo-yo with a flick of the thumb.
Unless you are playing 4A you do not have to chase a yo-yo.
Pointy things can be dangerous.
Manufacturers make more yo-yos than tops because they sell and therefore advertising dollars go for yo-yo.
Yo-yos do not normally get too big to put in a pocket.
This could be a LONG list. Any one else?
Practice hard and play safe.


Yeah. Yoyos do have their advantages, but spintops are so fun. ;)
If I had to pick yoyos or spintops it would be a hard choice for me, but I can to both! 8)
I know many people who can throw the top onto their hand, but they stop learning after that. :(