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Top Advice

Started by Spintowin, February 10, 2014, 07:25:04 PM

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I want to get a top for my son for his 14th birthday, and thought I would ask for suggestions.  He has been using some of my older tops, spintastics,RC, BK, etc. Also a few that I have made.  He is getting pretty good at the basic tricks and I think he is ready for a higher quality top.  I think an STB would be at the very high end of what I want to spend but it might be more than what he needs at this point and I have concerns that it might be too fragile with the two piece design.  There are many other choices out there, so I am asking for your expertise.

Thanks, Mike


If he would consider a fixed-tip top, a Quick Silver hybrid is the best top for the money.  Ask for the diabolo tip.  The fixed tip HP Hornet is also a very good deal.  Both are pretty unbreakable (except for the diabolo tip that can bend but can always be replaced).

Gustin Joss

Quote from: ta0 on February 10, 2014, 08:32:33 PM
If he would consider a fixed-tip top, a Quick Silver hybrid is the best top for the money.  Ask for the diabolo tip.  The fixed tip HP Hornet is also a very good deal.  Both are pretty unbreakable (except for the diabolo tip that can bend but can always be replaced).



I prefer the standard tip, but yeah QSH is an amazing top for the money, great to learn fixed tip play


If I get both tip types can I change them easily?

Gustin Joss


What a great gift idea.
Consider giving 2 different tops.

Cometa Tops are available in the USA from this ebay seller.
Shipping form Mexico takes a while though.
Everyone loves the Cobra.  It is beautiful and is great for wire walker type tricks. (and easy to carry in the pocket)

Oh, and have him hang out here now and then.  I have received good advice on tricks that I was having trouble with from these guys.


PS Be sure to get some extra spintastics string.  Trying to learn wire walkers with inferior string is yucky. 


¿yucky? ???
¿is it sth like "disgusting"


I ordered the Quick Silver hybrid. I will checkout the Cometa tops as well. Thanks everyone for the recommendations.


Quote from: Ketzaltlipoka on February 11, 2014, 12:50:54 PM
¿yucky? ???
¿is it sth like "disgusting"
Yes. If you say "Yuck" while looking in the mirror, it looks like you ate something ... .. yucky.
Feed a baby a food he hates and expect to hear "Yuck".
Perhaps more like distasteful than disgusting.


Thanks a lot by the explanation, Kirk!