Are fixed tips cool again?? New fixed is here...

Started by meridianyoyoclub, October 27, 2009, 09:49:51 PM

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I remember Steve Brown posting "The only people who play fixed tip are Herman Lau and Tacohead" - referring to me ;) I always enjoyed fixed  way more than bearing -    Also got my hands on a new aluminum  mini top today - aluminum body  with brass tip .  Thing is a beast  - under 2 1/2 inches tall . Perect for snap start .
Dave Bazan


i can't speak for everyone on the board, but i find fixed tips to be more rewarding than bearing. i haven't touched my BK in a while. since i'm relatively new to tops i never knew bearing tips to be "cool" so it's all the same to me!

also, welcome to the board!


Dave!  Glad you joined us-we've missed you.  Fixed tips are the coooolest!

Hey, when we were spinning at BAC, you mentioned something called "Salad Bowl".  What the heck was that?

Erratic Wobbler

Darren Kim

fixed tip topping is making a comeback, because it's a completely new playset. It's like the difference between string tricks and looping in yo-yo: both using a yo-yo, but a different model, for a different purpose. If there is one thing in topping that is more rewarding than anything else, it's regenerating a top for the first time!
Spin top is the new yo-yo


Welcome, Dave!  Fixed tip = hardcore!  I was always in awe and envy of you and Gates back in the day.  I felt I'd never to be able to do the regen tricks.  For the last couple of months I've been throwing like crazy, and am finally comfortable with rollercoaster, drumbeat, and all that jazz.  Extremely gratifying.  Bearing tops are great, but it's just a part of a larger picture IMO.


I uded fixed tip all time. I think that bearing are mainly for some special kind of tricks. Every thing is for different objective.

Watts' Tops

Fixed tips.  Old habits are hard to break.  I have tried the bearing and find it very difficult to use.  More practice I guess. :-\  And welcome again.
Watts' Tops
Prov. 3:5-6