The Guinness World Record for most people throwing a top

Started by ta0, November 06, 2009, 09:12:18 AM

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Watts' Tops

Thanks for the Date and time.  Will see what I can do then.  Would love to make it. :D :D
Watts' Tops
Prov. 3:5-6


I wonder if Dasi the top town in Taiwan was trying to break the record?  Plus a nice double throw of two large tops.

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the Earl of Whirl

That is AWESOME!!!

Thanks for finding this, johnm.  They surely had a lot of throwers.  I will have to look at it again to get a count.

Yes, that double big top throw was nice.

We have three of the tops they were using for the record.  Looks like we will need many many more to keep up with Dasi.

We need some flaming rings for Topland!

Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!