Lone star landing

Started by poptop, May 18, 2013, 08:24:13 AM

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 Made it to the Alamo last night if a bit late. What a terrific night! Living where i do, in sub-arctic central California, I forget how nice it can be to enjoy a warm night out. 

We made a great walking tour of the Riverwalk area-- really cool place.   Lots of folks out and about enjoying the evening and a fine spot to grab some dinner.  Which is what we did.

Oh, and I think we might spin some tops today too. ;)
Erratic Wobbler


Poptop is at the airport taking his plane right now.  We had an intense day of top spinning and top talk, together with Justin (Boot.)  We threw all kinds of tops, from finger tops to gasings. We even played some skittles and rascals (move over Earl, Justin won as biggest rascal, by far).  We played a lot outside and it was hot, so we ended up sweating profusely but happy.

Tomorrow I will try to upload a video showing the highlight of the visit: poptop playing "Red Vulcan/Guitar Top".
I want to kick myself that I did not take pictures.  I did take one of poptop in front of the Alamo, but I had forgotten to bring a top!

Thanks a lot poptop for the visit.  And also you Justin for missing watching the Rugby final to be with us.
Now I need to take a siesta . . .

Gustin Joss

Quote from: ta0 on May 18, 2013, 05:53:04 PM
Poptop is at the airport taking his plane right now.  We had an intense day of top spinning and top talk, together with Justin (Boot.)  We threw all kinds of tops, from finger tops to gasings. We even played some skittles and rascals (move over Earl, Justin won as biggest rascal, by far).  We played a lot outside and it was hot, so we ended up sweating profusely but happy.

Tomorrow I will try to upload a video showing the highlight of the visit: poptop playing "Red Vulcan/Guitar Top".
I want to kick myself that I did not take pictures.  I did take one of poptop in front of the Alamo, but I had forgotten to bring a top!

Thanks a lot poptop for the visit.  And also you Justin for missing watching the Rugby final to be with us.
Now I need to take a siesta . . .

Siesta? Yo tambien. It was very fun.

Gustin Joss

The problem with being a natural Rascal is that now I am obsessed. I NEED some rascals.


Hard to remember to take pictures when you're having fun, which it sounds like you all had  ;D

Gustin Joss

Quote from: Neff on May 18, 2013, 08:20:45 PM
Hard to remember to take pictures when you're having fun, which it sounds like you all had  ;D

Soda Punk 2.0 and two soda tops were quite active in the mix. Soda Punk 2.0 is just about my favorite top to play...Beside the Rascals. Those little guys are fun.

Not my favorite...beigoma. Wrapping these things is beyond my spacial comprehension.


Wow, what a day! 

Just got home and am sitting here with a big dumb smile as I think back on the good times.  We threw tops like mad and had a heap of fun!

I might have drained more than a few beers in the heat of the afternoon; hope we didn't get too rowdy :)

I really appreciate the Texas Hospitality from Jorge & his family--wonderful folks.  I felt like I kinda left in a rush (beginning to worry about catching a plane) but wanted to say thanks and a give proper good bye / hasta la proxima.

Oh, and +1 on rascals being super cool--first time I have seen/played them--hopefully we can find a few more out there somewhere.
Erratic Wobbler


We did throw tops like mad!  ;D

Strangely, we did not throw Figaro, nor the big whip tops.  But we threw at least 4 tops over 2 pounds in weight, as well as small whip tops in several shapes. Trying to spin the "tumbler" top baffled poptop as it had baffled Gustin before him  :D

The beers you drank (byob ;) ) may explain why you could not help yourself from trying to show-off at the roller coaster circle: we could not get past three rotations without a drop!  ::)

It was a really fun (spfun ?) day!


This was the highlight of poptop visit.  The only trick I had done with the big Vulcan was big scoop.  But when poptop saw it he felt confident he could do much more.  He first tried to "snap start" it into a roller coaster :o (actually arm start it).  He did not succeed but he remained convinced it can be done.  Then he tried this:

Playing with Vulcan Red giant spintop

That was actually his third consecutive successful attempt (the first time I did not bother filming and the second time I fumbled with the camera.) Afterwards, I tried it unsuccessfully, but the wooden post at the center had started slipping and the top did not get much speed from the drill.  Now Vulcan needs some maintenance so Gustin and I can try it.

jim in paris

eh eh !!  good run with the Vulcan  ;D ;D
the power drill is a great accessory

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


Quotethe power drill is a great accessory

Yes, especially when Jorge's official designated snap starter is busy holding the camera  ;)

I have to say, once I saw Ta0 had the foresight to carefully shape Vulcan's big Delrin tip with a players "string" play (hourglass) profile, I knew we had to try! 

Such fun.
Erratic Wobbler

the Earl of Whirl

Glad you guys had a good time.  The big red vulcan top work was impressive!
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!

Gustin Joss

Quote from: the Earl of Whirl on May 19, 2013, 02:26:23 PM
Glad you guys had a good time.  The big red vulcan top work was impressive!

Early Whirly, I heard you might...like, be holding some rascals...I'm fiending, man...FIENDING. I'll do anything for one more fix.

the Earl of Whirl

Mark Hayward has a lot of rascals.  I got all mine from him.....over a long period of time.  I don't think he realized how many I had accumulated.  Eventually I had more than he did and, consequently, another bragging point for the Top Spinning Hall of Fame.  People can come and see all kinds of things, including the world's largest collection of rascals.  I think Mark might still be interested in selling his.  I am not interested in selling so that we can maintain our world class status!

Glad you had fun with them, Gustin Joss!
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!

Gustin Joss

Quote from: the Earl of Whirl on May 19, 2013, 08:59:21 PM
Mark Hayward has a lot of rascals.  I got all mine from him.....over a long period of time.  I don't think he realized how many I had accumulated.  Eventually I had more than he did and, consequently, another bragging point for the Top Spinning Hall of Fame.  People can come and see all kinds of things, including the world's largest collection of rascals.  I think Mark might still be interested in selling his.  I am not interested in selling so that we can maintain our world class status!

Glad you had fun with them, Gustin Joss!

I already talked to Mark because I knew he had the original monopoly. He only has his personal stash these days. Rascals are rarer than yogo sapphires. Who owns the patent, Ta0? I. Need. Rascals.

Or, a challenge, to anyone who owns Rascals. I'll put up $100 to five of your Rascals and play you for them. Winner take all.