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U F O s

Started by jim in paris, June 28, 2012, 04:36:20 AM

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jim in paris

hi all
i've just read today in the newspapers that a large number of Americans  still believed in UFOs
info or intox ?


ps :as for me , despite my materialistic-hysterical beliefs, i ' m sure to have seen one  ! :o

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"



the Earl of Whirl

I think there are a lot of unidentified things that people see and they are immediately classified as UFOs.  I think there are a lot of pictures and videos that have been faked.  So, generally I am pretty skeptical.  But every once in a while something comes along that makes me wonder.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


Jim, I don't know if this is the article you read but a National Geographic poll showed what Americans believe.  Personally I'm also skeptical.


(I talked about this before on to site, but now that is lost . . .  >:( )
A few years ago, driving back from a vacation in Colorado, we arrived to Roswell, New Mexico.  Just by pure coincidence an hour before we arrived was the closing parade of a big UFO convention (had I known we would have stayed less time in Santa Fe).  We did get to see some people in costumes and the next day we visited the Roswell UFO museum.  Yep, many believe in Alien UFO's but also many know they can make money with people who believe in UFO's!

The crash site about 20 minutes north of Rosewell (we found it by chance):

At the Rosewell UFO (private) museum:

I imagine that for a lot of people a spintop in the air would be an unidentified flying object!

jim in paris

hi Rick : yes that seems to be the same source,
the conclusion of the article,, on a casual tone, looks alike
("oh you're an alien ? let's have a beer..!") ;D

Jorge : nice pics !!eligible for the H O F

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


Americans would still believe in the tooth fairy had only the coins kept appearing under our pillows...
Erratic Wobbler


When I was 13 years old and standing out in my back yard under a cloudless summer afternoon sky. I saw a round metallic disk moving silently across the sky. I watched it until it disappeared on the horizon. It was definitely an object that was flying and I could not identify it. I would say that classifies as a UFO.

Gustin Joss

Frank Drake believes. Reverend Thomas Bayes (post hoc) believes Frank Drake committed an error in logic. One trillion galaxies and the law of large numbers believe. The 500,000,000 planets believed to exist in habitable zones believe. I believe UFOs would be disappointed to visit us. Humans are the Earth's cancer. From space our cities look like malignant melanomas. I don't know what I am talking about. Bang.


Quote from: Spinningray on June 28, 2012, 02:27:26 PM
When I was 13 years old and standing out in my back yard under a cloudless summer afternoon sky. I saw a round metallic disk moving silently across the sky. I watched it until it disappeared on the horizon. It was definitely an object that was flying and I could not identify it. I would say that classifies as a UFO.
Holy smokes!


Quote from: poptop on June 28, 2012, 02:15:29 PM
Americans would still believe in the tooth ferry had only the coins kept appearing under our pillows...
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Quote from: Spinningray on June 28, 2012, 02:27:26 PM
When I was 13 years old and standing out in my back yard under a cloudless summer afternoon sky. I saw a round metallic disk moving silently across the sky. I watched it until it disappeared on the horizon. It was definitely an object that was flying and I could not identify it. I would say that classifies as a UFO.
It obviously does.
My wife also saw a UFO in her late teens. I believe her, but I don't believe it was an Alien (extraterrestrial) UFO.

jim in paris

hi all
i saw one : it took place in '84 : it was night ,we were in corsica , in the mountains on a trekking , no  civilization at 20 miles around..
we saw a long cigar-shaped blue flying object low on a ridge
it stopped in mid air for some time and went away in a S-E direction
because it was full night , we later thought that it could have been a military helicopter from the "Solenzara base" where the french airforce trains their pilots ....


"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"

the Earl of Whirl

This is picking up steam.  Just a couple days ago it was a half million people who were ready to see if there are any aliens.  My wife says not enough of them have money to get there.  Just wondering who from the forum is headed out there.  Hope no one misses worlds in Cleveland.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!

Jeremy McCreary

Correction: Always thought that Area 51 was near Roswell, NM. Turns out that it's in southern Nevada. Roswell's just near an alleged alien crash site.

While passing through Roswell , near Area 51, on the way to Carlsbad Caverns several years ago, we decided to visit the UFO museum just for kicks. Imagine the hokiest tourist trap you've ever seen. Then imagine one 100 times hokier, and you'll have an idea of what the museum's like. Worst of all, we were stupid enough to pay for it!

I can assure you that no visitor from an advanced alien civilization would go anywhere near Roswell -- not even to crash.

"Computer, projected crash landing site?"

"Near Roswell, New Mexico, Captain."

"OMG, anywhere but there! Computer, how many will survive?"

"All aboard will survive, Captain."

"Computer, estimated time to impact?"

"Impact will occur in 45 seconds, Captain."

"Computer, the crew has voted unanimously. Activate self-destruct sequence NOW!"
Art is how we decorate space, music is how we decorate time ... and with spinning tops, we decorate both.
—after Jean-Michel Basquiat, 1960-1988

Everything in the world is strange and marvelous to well-open eyes.
—Jose Ortega y Gasset, 1883-1955